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We do not have a jazz.log file

Lee Johnson (4184) | asked Mar 11 '10, 2:08 p.m.
Under our c:\jazz\server directory for RTC we do not have a directory named logs and we do not have a jazz.log file for RTC to report errors. has this moved?

7 answers

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Walter Mansur (63613017) | answered Mar 11 '10, 3:36 p.m.
Under our c:\jazz\server directory for RTC we do not have a directory named logs and we do not have a jazz.log file for RTC to report errors. has this moved?

We have found this file under C:\Windows\System32\tomcat\logs on our RTC server. It may be slightly different for your RTC installation.

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Amirsam Khataei (256175) | answered Mar 11 '10, 4:40 p.m.
Also, if you were using WAS, it has to be under WAS/AppServer folder

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Lee Johnson (4184) | answered Mar 11 '10, 4:49 p.m.
Also, if you were using WAS, it has to be under WAS/AppServer folder

Thank you both.... Very Helpful.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Mar 12 '10, 5:16 a.m.
Form a customers experience the log file is not in their server\logs if Tomcat runs as service. I think that it is confusing and unexpected but haven't looked into if that could be changed with an option.


Under our c:\jazz\server directory for RTC we do not have a directory named logs and we do not have a jazz.log file for RTC to report errors. has this moved?

We have found this file under C:\Windows\System32\tomcat\logs on our RTC server. It may be slightly different for your RTC installation.

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Lee Johnson (4184) | answered Mar 12 '10, 11:52 a.m.
Form a customers experience the log file is not in their server\logs if Tomcat runs as service. I think that it is confusing and unexpected but haven't looked into if that could be changed with an option.


Under our c:\jazz\server directory for RTC we do not have a directory named logs and we do not have a jazz.log file for RTC to report errors. has this moved?

We have found this file under C:\Windows\System32\tomcat\logs on our RTC server. It may be slightly different for your RTC installation.
Yes, We run Tomcat as a service.. WE were working with IBM Support and they had requested us to send in the jazz.log file. I will forward that information on to the support representative. Thank you

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Lee Johnson (4184) | answered Mar 12 '10, 11:58 a.m.
We had the BIRT plug-Ins to use the report Designer wtihin RTC We have recently upgraded the clients and are having problems wtih RTC . Based on the similar instructions posted here:

We cannot import a local copy of the necessary BIRT, WTP , DTP, etc....

Also Basd on the above instructions you should be able to use the Ganymede site , but we are unable to do so. We receive an error below:
Anyone else experience this?

Network connection problems encountered during search.
Unable to access "".
Unable to access site: ""
Server returned HTTP response code: "302 Found" for URL:
Unable to access site: ""
Server returned HTTP response code: "302 Found" for URL:

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James Moody (3.3k24) | answered Mar 18 '10, 2:55 p.m.
On 3/12/2010 12:08 PM, bluejelly wrote:
We had the BIRT plug-Ins to use the report Designer wtihin RTC We have recently upgraded the clients and are having
problems wtih RTC . Based on the similar instructions posted

We cannot import a local copy of the necessary BIRT, WTP , DTP,

Also Basd on the above instructions you should be able to use the
Ganymede site , but we are unable to do so. We receive an error
Anyone else experience this?

Network connection problems encountered during search.
Unable to access
Unable to access site:
Server returned HTTP response code: "302 Found" for URL:
Unable to access site:
Server returned HTTP response code: "302 Found" for URL:

I haven't tried the update side URLs lately, but the wiki page that you
mention provides download links for all of the necessary packages. If
you download them, and then unzip them into the
%RTC_CLIENT%\jazz\client\eclipse\dropins folder (one subfolder for each
of the zip files), then restart your client, they should be picked up.

RTC Reports Team Lead

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