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Change WorkItem State via REST

Erik Vonderheid (461) | asked Mar 10 '10, 6:01 a.m.

I'm using RTC Standard Edition and I'm trying to change the state of a WorkItem via REST.




I'm using a org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPut against the URL with the JSON as org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity.

The response is a 400: Bad Request.

All I want to do is change the state from

to closed

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Erik Vonderheid (461) | answered Mar 17 '10, 5:42 a.m.
You can do a regular PUT of the resource as you would for changing any
attribute, but include the workflow action as a URL parameter:

Here's an example curl script which changes the work item's state:



curl -D - -k -b $COOKIES -H "If-Match: $1" -H "Content-Type:
application/x-oslc-cm-change-request+xml" -H "Accept:
application/x-oslc-cm-change-request+xml" -X PUT --data-binary @247.xml $URL

Jazz Work Item Team

Thanks for your answer. However I solved my problem by adding a custom REST service.

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Pat McCarthy (12152) | answered Mar 24 '10, 10:38 a.m.
Question on the URL used for WI REST interaction. I've found/read a few posts; adding my Q to this one....

I see examples like:

Where the key bit for my Q is:

I'm starting from a different entry point. My code:
1 - finds the right query to run using this url:

2- I then search that response to get my query to run; getting a ref like this:

3- I use that URL to get WIs, scan the query result and pick one - getting a ref like this from the:

4 - I then use that in my state update - like this:

Net question - is this form of a WI ref acceptable?

vs :

The UUID ref style works, I just wonder if it is and appropriate form for use with the WI REST API.

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Patrick Streule (4.9k21) | answered Mar 24 '10, 11:18 a.m.
Net question - is this form of a WI ref acceptable?

vs :

Yes, that's perfectly ok.

The UUID ref style works, I just wonder if it is and appropriate form
for use with the WI REST API.

As a rule of thumb, any URL you find in a representation (e.g. the query
result) can be used.

Jazz Work Item Team

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Pradeep Dakua (6) | answered Apr 29 '10, 8:22 a.m.
We are trying to update Workitem state in RTC via OSLC Client with "https://localhost:9443/jazz/resource/itemName/ ", but it is not working. We tried copying this URL to browser even that is not working. Please throw some light on this.

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Pat McCarthy (12152) | answered Apr 29 '10, 9:01 a.m.
Have you validated that you can open the WI directly in the browser or RTC Client UI and can get the close action on the drop down? This would ensure that the current state of the WI can accept a close action.

Have you validated that your process has an action with that id?

Open the project area definition, go to the Process Configuration Source tab, and do a find on "". This would ensure that your action id is known to the process.

Did you try the poster add on tool (firefox add on)?

We are trying to update Workitem state in RTC via OSLC Client with "https://localhost:9443/jazz/resource/itemName/ ", but it is not working. We tried copying this URL to browser even that is not working. Please throw some light on this.

Tony Eastwood commented Jul 12 '12, 11:59 a.m.

Pat, How do I get the possible values from the 'Process Configuration Source tab' programatically via REST?

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Patrick Streule (4.9k21) | answered Apr 30 '10, 1:19 p.m.
We are trying to update Workitem state in RTC via OSLC Client with
", but it is not working. We tried copying this URL to browser
even that is not working. Please throw some light on this.

Updating a work item requires a PUT or PATCH HTTP operation. Entering
the above URL in a browser is a GET operation, which will not modify the
state of the work item.

Please also check Pat McCarthy's steps from the previous post to track
down the problem.

Jazz Work Item Team

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Paulo Anjos (611) | answered Sep 14 '10, 1:49 p.m.
Hi, I'm new in RTC development and I'm trying to do an integration between RTC and a java application running in a Websphere Application Server, I saw a lot of documents explaining how to manipulate workitems using curl, but I'm using java and Apache HTTPClient, I could do a login, but when a try to do a GET request to get a Json representation of a work Item, I get only the page "loading" as a result, does anyone had already done something like that? I know it should be very easy to do, but I couldn't find nothing that can help me, I will post the part of code that I'm doing the request.


GetMethod getMethod = new GetMethod("https://localhost:9443/jazz/resource/itemOid/,rtc_cm:comments,");

getMethod.addRequestHeader(new Header("Accept","application/x-oslc-cm-change-request+json"));
try {
} catch (HttpException httpe) {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
String responseBody = getMethod.getResponseBodyAsString();

System.out.println("The page start here: ");



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Michael Lee (622) | answered Mar 09 '12, 10:30 a.m.
Hi, I've trying to change the workitem status, but isn't work

I'm doing this with Poster add-on for Firefox

my first step was doing a GET in a workitem like this:


with this body response:

after that i made a PUT like this:


with this body to send:

But didn't work. What I'm doing wrong?


I just found the solution to the problem. In the action parameter at the end of the URL, the action should not have contained and should just have been bugzillaWorkflow.action.close. This allowed the state to be changed from resolved to closed.

The final URL is:


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Erik Jägervall (73710) | answered May 28 '12, 4:22 a.m.

I am also struggling with getting this to work (using RTC 3.0)

As I understand it a PUT request like below should change my defect from "New" to "In Progress"


But what do I need to include in form of body and content-header? Do I need to make a GET-request first to get some data or should the simple PUT-request above be sufficient? (It identifies the work item and the action I want to perform)

br Erik

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Erik Jägervall (73710) | answered May 28 '12, 4:32 a.m.
I can partially answer my self - first doing a GET with Accept: application/json and then taking the received data and adding that as body of type Content-Type:application/json when doing the POST solved the case, but the question remains, it is possible to change the state without first doing a GET or without including all data from the GET?

br erik


But what do I need to include in form of body and content-header? Do I need to make a GET-request first to get some data or should the simple PUT-request above be sufficient? (It identifies the work item and the action I want to perform)

br Erik

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