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Get Macro state of a WorkItem in Java Plain API

Tiago Fernandez (5351619) | asked Oct 04 '13, 11:21 a.m.

I know how to get the state of a given workitem:

def workItemClient = (IWorkItemClient)repository.getClientLibrary(IWorkItemClient.class)
IWorkflowInfo info= workItemClient.findWorkflowInfo(wi, mon);
def status = info.getStateName(wi.getState2());
println("\tWorkItem State is: " + status)

But states values might be different depending on the type of WorkItem (Epic, Stories, Tasks, Defects, etc...).

But I know there are other type of states that are more general/macros that applies for all types of WorkItems,
I don't remember how that kind of states are named. Their values are more generic like opened, closed, etc.

So my question is:

How is the name of that type of states more general?

And how is the code to obtain the value of that state for a workitem?

Thanks a lot for the help.

Accepted answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Oct 04 '13, 12:13 p.m.
 You talk about state groups. The state group of a state should be accessible in the workflow info.
Tiago Fernandez selected this answer as the correct answer

Tiago Fernandez commented Oct 04 '13, 2:07 p.m.

I did:

def workItemClient = (IWorkItemClient)repository.getClientLibrary(IWorkItemClient.class)
IWorkflowInfo info= workItemClient.findWorkflowInfo(wi, mon);
def status = info.getStateName(wi.getState2());
println("\tWorkItem State is: " + status) 

def stateGroup = info.getStateGroup(wi.getState2());
println("\tWorkItem State Group is: " + stateGroup)

stateGroup is an integer that represents: IWorkflowInfo.CLOSED_STATES, IWorkflowInfo.IN_PROGRESS_STATES   or IWorkflowInfo.OPEN_STATES 

Question: How to list in my script which states are contained for each of them? For example, for  IWorkflowInfo.CLOSED_STATES states that are contained there are New, Implemented, etc...

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