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Excluding Certain File Extensions from Being Delivered

Gary Mullen-Schultz (28725536) | asked Mar 09 '10, 2:39 p.m.
Can I somehow make it possible for files with certain extensions to be forbidden from being delivered to a stream?

We have had two customers ask about this.


6 answers

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Jared Burns (4.5k29) | answered Mar 09 '10, 2:39 p.m.
On Tue, 09 Mar 2010 19:52:59 +0000, garymu wrote:

Can I somehow make it possible for files with certain extensions to be
forbidden from being delivered to a stream?

We have had two customers ask about this.


There are no preconditions already written to do this, but it wouldn't be
hard to create one.

That said, I think there is a hack that would basically let you do this.
The "Required Content" precondition has two parameters: A regular
expression which specifies the names of the files it checks and a string
telling it what content is required.

You could configure this precondition to look for files ending in the
extensions you want to prohibit and then set the required content to some
very unlikely string. Something like:
filePattern pattern="*.foo|*.bar"
requiredText="I aM InTenTioNalLY ciRcumvenTINg cOmPany POliCy"

Jared Burns
Jazz Process Team

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Mar 09 '10, 4:34 p.m.

you can make jazz scm ignore certain files and pattern. E.g. you don't want to version files with a certain extension because they are generated, there is an ignore list. You point to the file go to the Team context menu and select "Add to ignore list". Then you can choose if only the file, only the pattenr in this folder or recursively.
You can specify pattern to be ignored in Preferences>Team>Ignored Resources.

Ignored file will not only be not delivered but not versioned at all, I think.

Hope that was what you are looking for,


Can I somehow make it possible for files with certain extensions to be forbidden from being delivered to a stream?

We have had two customers ask about this.


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Jeffrey Neau (11112313) | answered Mar 10 '10, 1:37 p.m.

you can make jazz scm ignore certain files and pattern. E.g. you don't want to version files with a certain extension because they are generated, there is an ignore list. You point to the file go to the Team context menu and select "Add to ignore list". Then you can choose if only the file, only the pattenr in this folder or recursively.
You can specify pattern to be ignored in Preferences>Team>Ignored Resources.

Ignored file will not only be not delivered but not versioned at all, I think.

Hope that was what you are looking for,


Can I somehow make it possible for files with certain extensions to be forbidden from being delivered to a stream?

We have had two customers ask about this.


Hi Ralph,

I think the 'ignored resources' setting is an Eclipse workspace setting rather than a Jazz setting. To make it work, you'd need each developer to set it.

Admins are looking for a way to set it project-wide or server-wide to prevent developers from adding, for instance, third-party jar files to source control.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Mar 11 '10, 2:04 a.m.

it is true those are on the client side. However, there is a file .jazzignore holding the information at least for some of it in each project. This might be usable to manage project wide settings. At least it would be worthwhile looking into, I guess.

However, the trick Jared posted and I was not aware of might be what you are really looking for.



you can make jazz scm ignore certain files and pattern. E.g. you don't want to version files with a certain extension because they are generated, there is an ignore list. You point to the file go to the Team context menu and select "Add to ignore list". Then you can choose if only the file, only the pattenr in this folder or recursively.
You can specify pattern to be ignored in Preferences>Team>Ignored Resources.

Ignored file will not only be not delivered but not versioned at all, I think.

Hope that was what you are looking for,


Can I somehow make it possible for files with certain extensions to be forbidden from being delivered to a stream?

We have had two customers ask about this.


Hi Ralph,

I think the 'ignored resources' setting is an Eclipse workspace setting rather than a Jazz setting. To make it work, you'd need each developer to set it.

Admins are looking for a way to set it project-wide or server-wide to prevent developers from adding, for instance, third-party jar files to source control.

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christelle scharff (91193) | answered Mar 28 '10, 12:28 p.m.

I am trying to get files from the repository and some of them are in the .ignorelist. Is there a way to get them anyway?


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Michael Valenta (3.7k3) | answered Mar 29 '10, 9:46 a.m.

The Load operation is not affected by the ignore list. The ignore list
just affects what resources are considered for check-in/deliver. So, if
there is a file in the repo that also appears in a .jazzignore file, it
would still be loaded if you choose to load it either directly or by
loading a parent folder. Are you not seeing this behavior?


scharffc wrote:

I am trying to get files from the repository and some of them are in
the .ignorelist. Is there a way to get them anyway?


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