Restrict Role to only update the Approval states
2 answers
is there a possibility to generate or adapt a role in the RTC SCRUM
template in a way that the resource can only change the aproriate
Approval states of the Approvals requested and nothing else in the
Project Area ?
You could try to grant only the 'Modify Work Item Approvals' permission:
This may include more than just the approval state, though.
Jazz Work Item Team
Is there any plan to provide more granularity in this area?
It would be nice if there is a permission level that would allow someone to only approve/reject an approval/review/verification that was created in their name.
The way permissions stand now - a person would have too much power to do something with just the "Modify the work item's approvals" permission.
Is there any plan to provide more granularity in this area?
It would be nice if there is a permission level that would allow someone to only approve/reject an approval/review/verification that was created in their name.
The way permissions stand now - a person would have too much power to do something with just the "Modify the work item's approvals" permission.