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Issue w RTC & LDAP ?

Kevin Ramer (4.5k9186201) | asked Feb 17 '10, 8:26 a.m.
Scenario: New install of RTC code followed by an import of RTC 1.0.1 repository. The import runs clean. I made the post-install updates
to let RTC use LDAP using steps we have used in the past. I.e. Update
conf/jazz/ with the ldap properties, update tomcat/conf/server.xml to use the LDAP realm and add the group mappings.

After starting RTC I can login with my LDAP credentials (I'm in JazzAdmins, JazzDWAdmins groups) and do all sorts of work. However, when viewing
active users _every single_ one show's this little warning:

This user was not found in the directory service. This user will not be able to login unless they have an account in the directory service.

Next I tried to create an ID and it shows this warning:

New users will be created with a default password equal to their User ID in your directory service.

Which I have only just noticed. So now that leads me to think I might
have additional realms, so I'll check my tomcat/conf/server.xml again.

But this is even more weird: using the repotools -exportUsers exports users from a totally different repository !!! (albeit on the same server )
This _might_ be due to the fact that there's an RQM repository listening
on the 9443 port (bound to all local IP addresses).

2 answers

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Kevin Ramer (4.5k9186201) | answered Feb 17 '10, 8:31 a.m.
I'm still seeing issues here:

o Users don't show any selected Repository Permissions
o The Import users button is insenstive
o The Create user lets _me_ assign Repository permissions
o Our ID tool doesn't agree with this repository: CRJAZ0799W The external user directory does not support the request feature. at

Item 1 is solved. The default UserDatabaseRealm was not disabled in tomcat/conf/server.xml

Scenario: New install of RTC code followed by an import of RTC 1.0.1 repository. The import runs clean. I made the post-install updates
to let RTC use LDAP using steps we have used in the past. I.e. Update
conf/jazz/ with the ldap properties, update tomcat/conf/server.xml to use the LDAP realm and add the group mappings.

After starting RTC I can login with my LDAP credentials (I'm in JazzAdmins, JazzDWAdmins groups) and do all sorts of work. However, when viewing
active users _every single_ one show's this little warning:

This user was not found in the directory service. This user will not be able to login unless they have an account in the directory service.

Next I tried to create an ID and it shows this warning:

New users will be created with a default password equal to their User ID in your directory service.

Which I have only just noticed. So now that leads me to think I might
have additional realms, so I'll check my tomcat/conf/server.xml again.

But this is even more weird: using the repotools -exportUsers exports users from a totally different repository !!! (albeit on the same server )
This _might_ be due to the fact that there's an RQM repository listening
on the 9443 port (bound to all local IP addresses).

permanent link
Kevin Ramer (4.5k9186201) | answered Feb 18 '10, 4:50 p.m.
Often times it is the simplest omission that will sink its fangs into one's
flesh bring much pain.

I found a missing property in the file:

I added that (Ok I actually stepped through the Custom Setup) and all
is well.

I'm still seeing issues here:

o Users don't show any selected Repository Permissions
o The Import users button is insenstive
o The Create user lets _me_ assign Repository permissions
o Our ID tool doesn't agree with this repository: CRJAZ0799W The external user directory does not support the request feature. at

Item 1 is solved. The default UserDatabaseRealm was not disabled in tomcat/conf/server.xml

Scenario: New install of RTC code followed by an import of RTC 1.0.1 repository. The import runs clean. I made the post-install updates
to let RTC use LDAP using steps we have used in the past. I.e. Update
conf/jazz/ with the ldap properties, update tomcat/conf/server.xml to use the LDAP realm and add the group mappings.

After starting RTC I can login with my LDAP credentials (I'm in JazzAdmins, JazzDWAdmins groups) and do all sorts of work. However, when viewing
active users _every single_ one show's this little warning:

This user was not found in the directory service. This user will not be able to login unless they have an account in the directory service.

Next I tried to create an ID and it shows this warning:

New users will be created with a default password equal to their User ID in your directory service.

Which I have only just noticed. So now that leads me to think I might
have additional realms, so I'll check my tomcat/conf/server.xml again.

But this is even more weird: using the repotools -exportUsers exports users from a totally different repository !!! (albeit on the same server )
This _might_ be due to the fact that there's an RQM repository listening
on the 9443 port (bound to all local IP addresses).

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