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RQM-RTC defect integration

Hi All
In a project, we are planning to use RTC-RQM integrated to support test and defect management.
In RTC, we added a new and customized type of defect workitem called "default.extension".
(Default defect workitem is still remainded to be used as template.)
When I created a defect from RQM to RTC, default type of defect workitem was creaded, as a matter of course.
(I captured HTTP request sent to RTC and found that the request included "type=defect" data.)
But I want to submit new type of defect ("default.extension") from RQM to RTC.
Is it possible to change type of defect?
Best regards.
In a project, we are planning to use RTC-RQM integrated to support test and defect management.
In RTC, we added a new and customized type of defect workitem called "default.extension".
(Default defect workitem is still remainded to be used as template.)
When I created a defect from RQM to RTC, default type of defect workitem was creaded, as a matter of course.
(I captured HTTP request sent to RTC and found that the request included "type=defect" data.)
But I want to submit new type of defect ("default.extension") from RQM to RTC.
Is it possible to change type of defect?
Best regards.
One answer

Note: This post is 5+ years old.
Please upgrade to the latest version of RQM (see https://jazz.net/downloads/rational-quality-manager/) and review the product documentation (see https://jazz.net/help-dev/clm/topic/com.ibm.help.common.jazz.calm.doc/com.ibm.help.common.jazz.calm.doc_eclipse-gentopic1.html) and jazz.net resources (see https://jazz.net/help). If your issue persists, please ask a new question (https://jazz.net/forum/questions/ask), open a defect (see https://jazz.net/mystuff/#tab=workitems), or open a PMR (see http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21507639).
Please upgrade to the latest version of RQM (see https://jazz.net/downloads/rational-quality-manager/) and review the product documentation (see https://jazz.net/help-dev/clm/topic/com.ibm.help.common.jazz.calm.doc/com.ibm.help.common.jazz.calm.doc_eclipse-gentopic1.html) and jazz.net resources (see https://jazz.net/help). If your issue persists, please ask a new question (https://jazz.net/forum/questions/ask), open a defect (see https://jazz.net/mystuff/#tab=workitems), or open a PMR (see http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21507639).