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Notification for file changes in a stream

Benjamin Chodroff (8985231) | asked Feb 11 '10, 10:27 p.m.
I was wondering if there are any ways of receiving notification (RSS/email) on a file changing in a stream? I would like to "subscribe" to a file/folder and get a notification if any changes occur. Or, even more ideal, specify a search strings as well such as "*.properties"

3 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Feb 12 '10, 2:27 a.m.
Hi Benjamin,

you can subscribe to team events. Those include all deliveries of changes to Streams owned by that team. If you don't filter those out, you should see al those events.


I was wondering if there are any ways of receiving notification (RSS/email) on a file changing in a stream? I would like to "subscribe" to a file/folder and get a notification if any changes occur. Or, even more ideal, specify a search strings as well such as "*.properties"

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Benjamin Chodroff (8985231) | answered Feb 12 '10, 5:15 p.m.
Clearcase can do it using triggers:
cl mktrtype -nc -element -postop checkout -exec
/gl/vobs/netman/src/zapp/source/ glenTrigger

cl mktrigger -nattach glenTrigger dialog.cpp

The examples shown will kick off a script which emails me when dialog.cpp is checked-out

Are clearcase like triggers going to be supported in the future?

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Feb 13 '10, 12:38 a.m.
The equivalent of ClearCase triggers are provided by RTC process via
events and pre/post conditions on operations. For the list of
operations and events that you can configure, open up the process area
or team area in the editor, and look at the Process Configuration tab.
Under Project Configuration and Team Configuration, you'll find
Operation Behavior (for operation pre/post conditions) and Event
Handling (for event actions).


benjamin.chodroff wrote:
Clearcase can do it using triggers:
cl mktrtype -nc -element -postop checkout -exec
/gl/vobs/netman/src/zapp/source/ glenTrigger

cl mktrigger -nattach glenTrigger dialog.cpp

The examples shown will kick off a script which emails me when
dialog.cpp is checked-out

Are clearcase like triggers going to be supported in the future?

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