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RQM and BIRT which datasource type

Karen Steele (1.2k4139148) | asked Feb 10 '10, 3:23 p.m.
which is the correct option to use for the datasource for RQM and BIRT - anybody know the answer ?

If its the jdbc, do you have an example of the corect parameters to fill in on the dialogue box

Accepted answer

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Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12) | answered May 28 '15, 6:32 a.m.
Note: This post is 5+ years old.

Please upgrade to the latest version of RQM (see and review the product documentation (see and resources (see  If your issue persists, please ask a new question (, open a defect (see, or open a PMR (see
Karen Steele selected this answer as the correct answer

One other answer

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Karen Steele (1.2k4139148) | answered May 28 '15, 7:56 a.m.
Can't believe somebody actually responded to this after 5 years ... I've now been running, deploying an enabling this tooling for nearly 8 years and we run BIRT reports against the system all the time so I'm well aware of the correct element to select now ...

This answer would have been way more appreciated back 5 years go

Thanks anyway

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