Duplicate Requirements in RQM 2.0 and RQM 4.0 has different behaviour ?

I have exported the requirement (Req -1) using Excel Importer Addin in RQM 2.0 using the following cfg: --
The same cfg contents and same Req -1 if I try to export in RQM again it does not export because it looks as duplicate requirement should not added.
But in the RQM 4.0 which comes in CLM the same Req-1 is getting exported twice. Does RQM 4.0 checks for duplicate requirement ? If yes then on which property it checks ?
How the duplicate Requirement gets handled in RQM 2.0 and RQM 4.0 ?
One answer

You'd be best to start with https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/RQMExcelWordImporter with special attention to the requirement-specific updates.
If you could include description of the spreadsheet and the .cfg file here, it might be possible to provide more detail.

I have requirements in Column A and its description in Column B in the excel sheet.
Now i export the Requirements using the ExcelImporter Addins.
First time the Req-1 got exported with the description.
Now Second time I use the same excel sheet and cfg file then again Req-1 got exported and in RQM 4.0 it shows two requirements in UI.
But the samething in RQM 2.0 it does not export and in the UI only first requirement Req-1 is present.
The CFG file is:- requirement.XLSStartRow=8 requirement.XLSArtifactID=A requirement.dc:title=A requirement.dc:description=B
What i want to know the RQM 2.0 it handle duplicate requirements but why not it is handling in RQM 4.0 ?