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RTC and ClearQuest Connector and CQid Field

Mark Roberts (1205338) | asked Jan 27 '10, 4:28 a.m.
When using the 'standard' sync rules from the RTC / CQ Connector article here : I get a sync rule for Defect that includes a field mapping of :

RTC side Item Property : attribute:smallString:CQ Id
External Property (CQ) : id

When I use an RTC query I can set the CQ Id attribute as a column and see the ClearQuest ID numbers which is great.

What I cannot do is add the attribute:smallString:CQ Id to a presentation form for viewing on the RTC record. The field just doesn't show up in the lists. How can I get hold of it ?

2 answers

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Lorelei Ngooi (1.5k22) | answered Jan 27 '10, 1:11 p.m.
To the right of the Attribute field in the Attribute-based Presentation section in the Add Presentation dialog, you'll see a drop-down filters button. Select show archived attributes and you should be able to see CQ Id in the attribute field values list.

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Mark Roberts (1205338) | answered Jan 27 '10, 1:45 p.m.
To the right of the Attribute field in the Attribute-based Presentation section in the Add Presentation dialog, you'll see a drop-down filters button. Select show archived attributes and you should be able to see CQ Id in the attribute field values list.

Many thanks - Hitting the Archived filter worked a treat and I can now see the CQ record ID's.


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