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DB2 FP4 or FP5

Stefan Stern (4062128) | asked Jan 26 '10, 4:53 a.m.

We run a DB2 WSE 9.5 on FP3. Unfortunately, the automatic memory
management is buggy and tries to parametrize more memory than the system
currently has. This bug was fixed with FP4. Latest FP is FP5.

The supported DB2 editions specify DB2 9.5 with FP3a. Is this a
"minimum" fixpack level or is it an "exactly" fixpack level?

Kind regards,
Stefan Stern

2 answers

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Eric Jodet (6.3k5111120) | answered Jan 27 '10, 3:23 a.m.
Hello Stefan,
I would say DB2 9.5 FP3a is the minimum required level.
So FP5 should be OK.


Stefan Stern a crit :

We run a DB2 WSE 9.5 on FP3. Unfortunately, the automatic memory
management is buggy and tries to parametrize more memory than the system
currently has. This bug was fixed with FP4. Latest FP is FP5.

The supported DB2 editions specify DB2 9.5 with FP3a. Is this a
"minimum" fixpack level or is it an "exactly" fixpack level?

Kind regards,
Stefan Stern

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Adrian Cho (82113322) | answered Jan 27 '10, 12:41 p.m.
Yes this should be no problem. Our teams have been self-hosting against FP4 for some time and we are moving to FP5 this week.

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