Editor presentation : new line in title

I would like to enter some long explanation before some radio button (enum) attribute.
e.g. It should look like this
"Do you have external code from OEM/ Open source.
Please notice that this attribute is very important
Blah Blah..."
- yes
- no
- N/A
I would like to add new lines in the presentation's title or enter some title presentation (like separator)
Is it possible?
I would like to enter some long explanation before some radio button (enum) attribute.
e.g. It should look like this
"Do you have external code from OEM/ Open source.
Please notice that this attribute is very important
Blah Blah..."
- yes
- no
- N/A
I would like to add new lines in the presentation's title or enter some title presentation (like separator)
Is it possible?
One answer

I would like to enter some long explanation before some radio button
(enum) attribute.
e.g. It should look like this
"Do you have external code from OEM/ Open source.
Please notice that this attribute is very important
Blah Blah..."
- yes
- no
- N/A
I would like to add new lines in the presentation's title or enter
some title presentation (like separator)
Is it possible?
It will be possible in 3.0. Please see the two work items
Jazz Work Item Team