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Email notification for new Work Items

James Perry (611129) | asked Jan 23 '08, 8:59 p.m.
Can I send out email notifications when I assign, or someone else assigns me a new Work Item? This would be helpful so I would have a chance to see new work items quickly in my email.

14 answers

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Patrick Streule (4.9k21) | answered Jan 24 '08, 3:58 a.m.
Can I send out email notifications when I assign, or someone else
assigns me a new Work Item? This would be helpful so I would have a
chance to see new work items quickly in my email.

Yes, you only have to configure the mail server properties in your
server installation:

Jazz Work Item team

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Jacob Thompson (8662) | answered Jan 24 '08, 11:28 a.m.
So, I have those setting enabled, and I can send team invitations, however, I am not receiving notifications from work items. Is there something else that needs to be done to receive emails about work items?

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Shawn Lauzon (38174) | answered Jan 24 '08, 1:12 p.m.
Keep in mind that when YOU make a change to a work item, then YOU don't get a notification; only OTHER people get notifications. Not sure if that's happening in your situation though.

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Jacob Thompson (8662) | answered Jan 24 '08, 4:46 p.m.
Just to make sure I was not crazy, I logged in as a different user and created a new work item assigned to another user, I would expect this to send an email, but I did not see one.

What events cause and email notification to be sent?

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Jacob Thompson (8662) | answered Jan 24 '08, 5:03 p.m.
Ok looking at the logs I am seeing this....

16:54:33,481 ERROR - Following required properties are undefined or empty:
- notification.mail.from
- notification.mail.from_name
- notification.mail.reply
16:54:33,482 WARN - E-mail notification is disabled, see the Server Setup Guide for details on enabling it.

However, I have followed the guide and confirmed the settings are correct (like I said the invites go out)

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Jacob Thompson (8662) | answered Jan 24 '08, 5:23 p.m.
So it looks like these properties need to be set alos, eeven though they are not in the WebUI

However, I am not getting the error now, but I am still not receiving the mail.

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Shawn Lauzon (38174) | answered Jan 24 '08, 5:24 p.m.
I believe you're right, the guide doesn't say you need to fill them in. However, it sure seems like they need to be filled in. In fact, the guide says that you need to fill in the SMTP username and password, and I know for a FACT that you don't need to fill that in (I opened the original work item and have verified that).

Probably just a work item needs to be opened to fix the docs.

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Jacob Thompson (8662) | answered Jan 24 '08, 5:26 p.m.
Ok, I lied, it came through, not too sure where the timer for this is scheduled, but there seems to be a 5 minute or so delay.

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James Perry (611129) | answered Jan 24 '08, 5:27 p.m.
jatsrt, were you able to get email notifictions for new work items working? I have enabled the email service, but still see the same behavior as you (can send invites, but no notifications when new work items are assigned to me or other users? Are there seperate instructions for this in addition to enabling email?

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Shawn Lauzon (38174) | answered Jan 24 '08, 5:31 p.m.
The delay sounds about right -- I believe it polls and only sends mail periodically.

JPibm -- try going to and filling in the email fields there.

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