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RRC-RQM linking problem

Ales Koprivnikar (116352) | asked Jan 07 '10, 11:04 a.m.
After successfully creating cross server communication between RRC and RQM I tried to connect artifacts between projects in RRC and RQM. It works from RQM to RRC, but linking from RRC client to RQM does not work.
I get the following error.

Also this appears in the .log file in the workspace directory of RRC Client.
!ENTRY 4 0 2010-01-07 15:20:16.712

!MESSAGE CRRRC2103E There was an unexpected response from https://RQM:9445/jazz/j_security_check. A 302 response code was expected, but a 408 was received. Check your server configuration.
!STACK 0 CRRRC2103E There was an unexpected response from https://RQM:9445/jazz/j_security_check. A 302 response code was expected, but a 408 was received. Check your server configuration.

Also when i try to follow the link made from RQM to RRC from the web interface or client for RRC it tries to redirect me to localhost, not to the RQM hostnam, despite the fact that when I view the link it says RQM...

Can't make sense out of this... Anyone saw something similar?


9 answers

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Marc Baumbach (1311) | answered Jan 07 '10, 4:38 p.m.

One thing I notice from the start is the error message:

There was an unexpected response from https://RQM:9445/jazz/j_security_check

This tends to make me think that when you setup RQM, you set it's Public URI to be https://RQM:9445/jazz but when you setup the link between the servers, you set the root services URL to be https://rqm:9445/jazz/rootservices.

I would double check that you are using the lowercase version in all cases. The easiest way to check and make sure the servers are consistent is to check all of your cross server communication pages on the various servers and then if everything is good there, try to open the root services URLs in your browser. Make sure those URLs are all consistent and you're not seeing RQM or localhost.

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Marc Baumbach (1311) | answered Jan 07 '10, 4:39 p.m.
The error message I was trying to paste didn't show up, but it's this one:

There was an unexpected response from https://RQM:9445/jazz/j_security_check

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Ales Koprivnikar (116352) | answered Jan 08 '10, 7:34 a.m.
Hi Marc,
ok checked all this. I really had public URI in rqm set to uppercase, but that does not make any difference. I changed it and still i get the error when trying to connect.
Also i checked rootservices and jazz/friends documents and its all set properly (no localhost anywhere).

So basicly what i have here are 2 problems. One is linking from RRC client to RQM does not work. The error above happens.
Second is that when following a link from rrc web to rqm, the link is properly formed, but when it opens i get a security prompt that has a localhost URL.... This works because the server is on localhost, if it wouldn't be... it would fail.

Anyway I can make link from RQM to RRC so i can make links, but its not perfect..

If you need I can provide more info, logs, remote access,... just let me know.

Thanks, Bye

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Theresa Zappulla (5612) | answered Jan 08 '10, 8:18 a.m.
I had a similar error message. Going back through all my configuration settings, I had forgotten to set the host parameter properly in my rqm setup.

Once corrected, I was able to connect.

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Ales Koprivnikar (116352) | answered Jan 12 '10, 7:24 a.m.
checked that too. I did not have it set, but when I set it to rqm, the credentials prompt in RRC changes to localhost:9445, and it still does not work...

Back to the drawing board....

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David Moss (171156) | answered Mar 26 '10, 11:42 a.m.
We're having this same problem here. Same error in the local .log file (CRRRC2103E). Worked through the suggestions posted here but something is still not right.

I then tried removing and recreating my connection in the RRC client, hoping it would "refresh" anything missing from the underlying service provider. Now I can see both the RTC and RQM service providers in the RRC client, but it is not connecting to either one, nor is it throwing an error in the RRC client UI.

When I attempt to "Link to Test Plan" from within a collection, nothing happens in the UI.

The .log file now has two different errors in it...

java.lang.RuntimeException: Server returned HTTP response code: 503 for URL:


org.eclipse.swt.SWTException: Failed to execute runnable (java.lang.RuntimeException: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The processing instruction target matching "[xX][mM][lL]" is not allowed.)

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David Moss (171156) | answered Mar 26 '10, 12:30 p.m.
Stopped and restarted apache on all three of our servers (RQM, RRC, RTC). At this point I re-created the main connection in the RRC client to our RRC server. Then I went into the list of Service Providers under the Preference dialog. The RTC one is now back, and it's got a green connection icon. The RQM one is red once again. The URL and userID is correct. The .log file is back to reporting :

!MESSAGE CRRRC2103E There was an unexpected response from A 302 response code was expected, but a 408 was received. Check your server configuration.

(Replaced server name above)

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Leafar Maina (5654) | answered May 05 '10, 1:05 p.m.

I think this problem exist because RRC is incompatibility with RQM Cause I have two scenaries RRC - RQM and RRC - RQM 2.0.1iFix1, and the first scenary this error occurs and the second not.



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Jose Miguel Ordax Cassa (2.4k4126100) | answered Apr 04 '11, 2:01 p.m.
!ENTRY 4 0 2010-01-07 15:20:16.712

!MESSAGE CRRRC2103E There was an unexpected response from https://xxxx:9445/jazz/j_security_check. A 302 response code was expected, but a 408 was received. Check your server configuration.

For this error, make sure in RQM Admin page you have correct Public URI Root under Advanced Properties section. I had this same error and in my case the field was left empty. In my case it should be: https://rqm:9445/jazz

org.eclipse.swt.SWTException: Failed to execute runnable (java.lang.RuntimeException: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The processing instruction target matching "[xX][mM][lL]" is not allowed.)

For this error, make sure in RRC Admin page you have correct Root Services URI to RQM under Cross Server Communications section. In my case it should be: ttps://rqm:9445/jazz/rootservices

Note: My environment is RRC and RQM 2.0.1 iFix002. I had both errors and I fixed both following the described indications.

Hope this helps,


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