Can I change the temporary folder for RRC reports/prints?
Accepted answer
The DNG/RRC temporary folder for reports and other stuff is NOT the Websphere temp folder. Neither in Websphere Application Server nor in Websphere liberty.
This files are written in the Java temporary folder, defined either by the environment variable TMP or TEMP or by a java startup directive. Because on windows, the application normaly runs under SYSTEM account, the TMP or TEMP environment variables are not set, so java is using C:\WINDOWS\TEMP. To avoid this you can defined on the java cmdline arguments in Websphere Console or in jvm.options of liberty following java startup parameter:\temp
One other answer
RRC will grab the temp directory from WAS temp directory configuration, which in you case is /tmp. There is a was property to configure the temporary location, if you modify that property it will change for RRC as well
Hello Edgar,
is this still valid in 6.0.2?
In RM advanced properties, there exists an entry, which is empty per default:
I have set it to (on windows), but nothing changed. The temp folder is still on c:\windows\temp
I will give a try to the WAS setting. Have to search for the setting for liberty.