RQM with timeout connection to Oracle db
I'm running RQM (I20091024_1657) on Linux Suse 10.2 with Oracle 64 bit on another machine:
When the Server is running throug night: I start a new browser (mozilla 3.5.6) in the morning and log in to RQM (with name and password) I need about 15min to get a timeout (User/Password not correct) there are some statements to the Oracle db:
SELECT t1.item_id, t1.state_id
FROM lm_running_discovery t1
RQM took and old oracle connection - but after the timeout I can login in about 5 seconds - with a new oracle connection????
What can I do about it, every morning (and after lunch) I have to wait 15minutes to work, or restart the RQM Server.
Im Running RTC on the same machine also with oracle - same Problem in the morning - 15min waiting... I also have RRC on the same machine, but a local Derby Database - and there is no Problem at all!
6 hours after Restart of RQM Serve I get following Error in the catalina.out:
21:15:20,251 ERROR com.ibm.rational.test.lm.service - class com.ibm.rational.test.lm.service.spi.integration.DeployingVirtualMachinesTask:runTask AQXLM5001E RTLM Exception: com.ibm.team.repository.common.TeamRepositoryException: CRJAZ0548I Failed to prepare the txn mode.
21:15:21,073 ERROR repository.service.internal.rdb.JDBCConnectionPool - Database connection has been closed. Check database status and availiablity.
com.ibm.team.repository.common.InternalRepositoryException: Database connection has been closed. Check database status and availiablity.
at com.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.rdb.JDBCConnectionPool.checkConnection(JDBCConnectionPool.java:129)
at com.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.rdb.JDBCConnectionPool.getConnection(JDBCConnectionPool.java:97)
When the Server is running throug night: I start a new browser (mozilla 3.5.6) in the morning and log in to RQM (with name and password) I need about 15min to get a timeout (User/Password not correct) there are some statements to the Oracle db:
SELECT t1.item_id, t1.state_id
FROM lm_running_discovery t1
RQM took and old oracle connection - but after the timeout I can login in about 5 seconds - with a new oracle connection????
What can I do about it, every morning (and after lunch) I have to wait 15minutes to work, or restart the RQM Server.
Im Running RTC on the same machine also with oracle - same Problem in the morning - 15min waiting... I also have RRC on the same machine, but a local Derby Database - and there is no Problem at all!
6 hours after Restart of RQM Serve I get following Error in the catalina.out:
21:15:20,251 ERROR com.ibm.rational.test.lm.service - class com.ibm.rational.test.lm.service.spi.integration.DeployingVirtualMachinesTask:runTask AQXLM5001E RTLM Exception: com.ibm.team.repository.common.TeamRepositoryException: CRJAZ0548I Failed to prepare the txn mode.
21:15:21,073 ERROR repository.service.internal.rdb.JDBCConnectionPool - Database connection has been closed. Check database status and availiablity.
com.ibm.team.repository.common.InternalRepositoryException: Database connection has been closed. Check database status and availiablity.
at com.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.rdb.JDBCConnectionPool.checkConnection(JDBCConnectionPool.java:129)
at com.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.rdb.JDBCConnectionPool.getConnection(JDBCConnectionPool.java:97)