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changing outgoing sync frequency to CQ

Gary Dang (59338955) | asked Jan 23 '08, 9:07 a.m.
How do I change the outgoing sync frequency to CQ. I think the polling period in is for incoming sync frequency. I checked the page here but notseeing polling for outbound


3 answers

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John Vasta (2.6k15) | answered Jan 23 '08, 11:30 a.m.
How do I change the outgoing sync frequency to CQ. I think the polling period in is for incoming sync frequency. I checked the page here but notseeing polling for outbound


In beta 2, the admin web UI is not exposing configuration properties for periodic background tasks (it will in the next milestone build). In the meantime, you can add something like this to the file for your Jazz server:

The value is in seconds. (The default is 300, and 60 is the minimum.) You'll have to restart the server after making the change.

ClearQuest Connector Team

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Gary Dang (59338955) | answered Jan 23 '08, 2:19 p.m.
I think you mean adding "" without "-D".

Also, is there a reason why the minimum is 60 seconds? inbound can be as low as 1 second.

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John Vasta (2.6k15) | answered Jan 23 '08, 2:42 p.m.
I think you mean adding "" without "-D".

Also, is there a reason why the minimum is 60 seconds? inbound can be as low as 1 second.

Sorry, right - no -D.

This task is running in the Jazz server, which is serving many purposes. I don't think you'd want the Jazz server to be using all it's CPU cycles just to send data to CQ. Whereas, the only purpose for the CQ gateway is to send data to Jazz, so it has nothing else to do.

ClearQuest Connector Team

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