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Build properties -- userId

Tom Frauenhofer (1.3k58435) | asked Dec 22 '09, 9:38 a.m.
I've seen some posts that seem to confirm that the JBE's "userId" is not
available as a built-in build property.

This seems odd since all the ANT tasks require a userId; it seems
natural to want to derive the userId from the JBE container.

Are there plans to address this ... should I raise an enhancement
request ? or have I missed some important fact ?


4 answers

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Tom Frauenhofer (1.3k58435) | answered Dec 23 '09, 11:08 a.m.
I beg to differ

Requiring the ANT asks to manually provide a userId when the container
already has one, forces an additional and often unneeded configuration
item onto the ANT script design/JBE build setup.

Teams with simple use-cases (like us) find it easier to use the same
userId as the JBE.
1) no hardwired userid's anywhere in ANT build scripts.
2) userid configured once at the JBE level
Teams can still design their ANT scripts to use a different userid if
they want. No loss of freedom.

(the password is a whole other issue that really needs looking at)

I've opened enhancement request 102231

On 12/22/2009 6:32 PM, David Olsen wrote:
David Ward wrote:
I've seen some posts that seem to confirm that the JBE's "userId" is
not available as a built-in build property.

This seems odd since all the ANT tasks require a userId; it seems
natural to want to derive the userId from the JBE container.

Are there plans to address this ... should I raise an enhancement
request ? or have I missed some important fact ?

The Ant tasks require both a user ID and a password. The JBE is not
going to make the password available through a built-in property. So
having just the user ID available won't do you any good and won't allow
you to connect to the repository.

Since the build toolkit Ant tasks don't require the same user ID as the
JBE is using, and since the code invoking the Ant tasks needs to supply
a password and matching user ID, there is little point in trying to use
the same user ID as the JBE. So there is not much use in the JBE
providing the user ID that it is using.

You should still feel free to file an enhancement request. It could be
good to know the user ID that the JBE is using, even if I can't think of
a good use for it at the moment.

Richard Sun commented Feb 18 '13, 5:43 p.m.

 Yeah, I have same question and requirement.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Feb 19 '13, 2:43 a.m.
Have you looked into the ability to create a password file for usage in the JBE and the scripts?
See for some details.

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Jose Miguel Ordax Cassa (2.4k4126100) | answered Dec 22 '09, 4:23 p.m.
On 22-Dec-09 3:34 PM, David Ward wrote:
I've seen some posts that seem to confirm that the JBE's "userId" is not
available as a built-in build property.

This seems odd since all the ANT tasks require a userId; it seems
natural to want to derive the userId from the JBE container.

Are there plans to address this ... should I raise an enhancement
request ? or have I missed some important fact ?


I think you can find scenarios where the userId used by the Build Engine
to connect to RTC Server to see if there is any work for it in the queue
could be different from specific users defined and controlled in
different Project Areas or Team Areas within specific Build Definitions.
But if you think it should be reused... open an enhancement.



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David Olsen (5237) | answered Dec 22 '09, 6:38 p.m.
David Ward wrote:
I've seen some posts that seem to confirm that the JBE's "userId" is not
available as a built-in build property.

This seems odd since all the ANT tasks require a userId; it seems
natural to want to derive the userId from the JBE container.

Are there plans to address this ... should I raise an enhancement
request ? or have I missed some important fact ?

The Ant tasks require both a user ID and a password. The JBE is not
going to make the password available through a built-in property. So
having just the user ID available won't do you any good and won't allow
you to connect to the repository.

Since the build toolkit Ant tasks don't require the same user ID as the
JBE is using, and since the code invoking the Ant tasks needs to supply
a password and matching user ID, there is little point in trying to use
the same user ID as the JBE. So there is not much use in the JBE
providing the user ID that it is using.

You should still feel free to file an enhancement request. It could be
good to know the user ID that the JBE is using, even if I can't think of
a good use for it at the moment.

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