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Doors Next Generation 7.0.3: Get primary text of artifacts via OSLC query

I am trying to obtain the primary text along with other attributes like the title using OSLC query. For example, in the following query I'm attempting to obtain the primary text and title of artifacts that are within a module with artifact ID 1000, and within a specific project and context:
I get values for the title, but I do not get anything back for the primary text and there is no error in the results. The value jazz%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fjazz.net%2Fns%2Frm%23 in the oslc.prefix is the URL encoding of jazz=http://jazz.net/ns/rm# (primary text namespace is at http://jazz.net/ns/rm#primaryText) and the value jazz:primaryText in the oslc.select paremter is how I'm attempting to retrieve the value for primary text. The reason I'm enclosing jazz:primarty text within %7B and 7D is because I'm following the "Nested inline selections are not supported. However, you can use the following query to get similar results to request two or more inline fields" example at Using OSLC Query Capability.