Test Case Properties
3 answers
Hi Lars,
You can add custom properties to Test Cases through the use of "Categories". Is that what you're looking for?
You can add custom properties to Test Cases through the use of "Categories". Is that what you're looking for?
When you are using a manual test type you can associate properties to the test script by adding test data.
Is it possible somehow to add properties on a test case level
(e.g. by altering the schema)
Hi Every one
Have few doubts on Test execution record.I'm new to testing and trying to execute the test case by creating the test execution record.
My question is if i'm running test every day do i have to create test execution record everytime.If so how do the points work?The question about points is for reports.How does this effect the reports.For ex
execution trend report.
Thanks and Regards
Have few doubts on Test execution record.I'm new to testing and trying to execute the test case by creating the test execution record.
My question is if i'm running test every day do i have to create test execution record everytime.If so how do the points work?The question about points is for reports.How does this effect the reports.For ex
execution trend report.
Thanks and Regards
Hi Every one
Have few doubts on Test execution record.I'm new to testing and trying to execute the test case by creating the test execution record.
My question is if i'm running test every day do i have to create test execution record everytime.If so how do the points work?The question about points is for reports.How does this effect the reports.For ex
execution trend report.
Thanks and Regards
This is a different question answered in http://jazz.net/forums/viewtopic.php?p=29320#29320