Error 403 during git push
I've activate the EWM-Gitlab integration on my 7.0.2 environment.
My pre-receive hook return this error during a push operation
git push
Enumerating objects: 19, done.
Counting objects: 100% (19/19), done.
Delta compression using up to 12 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
Writing objects: 100% (10/10), 605 bytes | 605.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 10 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [pre-receive]: Begin execution of pre-receive hook for GitLab
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: INFO: [EWM] [pre-receive]: Found GitLab server URL set in GL_SERVER variable.
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: INFO: [EWM] [pre-receive]: Found GitLab user's token. set in GL_SERVER variable.
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: INFO: [EWM] [pre-receive]: Received GL_ID from GitLab server - user-2
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: INFO: [EWM] [pre-receive]: Contacting GitLab server to retrieve the user id corresponding to GL_USER 2
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: INFO: [EWM] [pre-receive]: REMOTE_USER is root
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [pre-receive]: Calling toolkit with arguments old_sha1=2e7c7c871e269f01cab62f30c84f2aecf7e3a22d&new_sha1=342e2ee072a52a403eebfc21f11e105685b56957&ref_name=refs%2Fheads%2Fmain&
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: INFO: [EWM] [Toolkit]: ValidatePush ****************************************************************************
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: INFO: [EWM] [Toolkit]: ValidatePush product_version=7.0.2 SR1iFix015
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: INFO: [EWM] [Toolkit]: ValidatePush product_release_label=7.0.2 SR1
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: INFO: [EWM] [Toolkit]: ValidatePush product_iteration_label=iFix015
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: INFO: [EWM] [Toolkit]: ValidatePush product_release_artifact_version_label=7.0.2000
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: INFO: [EWM] [Toolkit]: ValidatePush product_ifix_version=iFix015
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: INFO: [EWM] [Toolkit]: ValidatePush build_id=EWM-SERVER-I20220731-0234
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: INFO: [EWM] [Toolkit]: ValidatePush ****************************************************************************
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): cmd = git args = [ 'config', 'rtc.repokey' ] outputCharEncoding = utf8
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): child pid = 22576
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): cmd = git args = [ 'config', 'rtc.repourl' ] outputCharEncoding = utf8
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): child pid = 22577
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): cmd = git args = [ 'config', 'rtc.refsExcluded4PushValidation' ] outputCharEncoding = utf8
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): child pid = 22578
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): cmd = git args = [ 'config', 'rtc.wikeywords' ] outputCharEncoding = utf8
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): child pid = 22579
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): cmd = git args = [ 'config', '--get-regexp', 'rtcwi.*.alias' ] outputCharEncoding = utf8
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): child pid = 22580
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): close event of child process 22580 code = 1 signal = null
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: INFO: [EWM] [Toolkit]: CLGitResourceProvider getConfig.spawnCb(): err = Git Error: 'null' 1:
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): close event of child process 22579 code = 1 signal = null
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: INFO: [EWM] [Toolkit]: CLGitResourceProvider getConfig.spawnCb(): err = Git Error: 'null' 1:
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): close event of child process 22578 code = 1 signal = null
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: INFO: [EWM] [Toolkit]: CLGitResourceProvider getConfig.spawnCb(): err = Git Error: 'null' 1:
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): close event of child process 22577 code = 0 signal = null
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): close event of child process 22576 code = 0 signal = null
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): cmd = git args = [ 'rev-list',
remote: '2e7c7c871e269f01cab62f30c84f2aecf7e3a22d..342e2ee072a52a403eebfc21f11e105685b56957' ] outputCharEncoding = utf8
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): child pid = 22581
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): cmd = git args = [ 'rev-list',
remote: '342e2ee072a52a403eebfc21f11e105685b56957..2e7c7c871e269f01cab62f30c84f2aecf7e3a22d' ] outputCharEncoding = utf8
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): child pid = 22582
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): close event of child process 22581 code = 0 signal = null
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): close event of child process 22582 code = 0 signal = null
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: WARNING: [EWM] [Toolkit]: CLGitResourceProvider getCommitsBetween.spawnCb(): err = Git Error: ''
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: WARNING: [EWM] [Toolkit]: ValidatePush There is an error in fetching rewind commits Git Error: ''
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: INFO: [EWM] [Toolkit]: ValidatePush buildRefModel(): refModel { 'refs/heads/main':
remote: { oldSha1: '2e7c7c871e269f01cab62f30c84f2aecf7e3a22d',
remote: newSha1: '342e2ee072a52a403eebfc21f11e105685b56957',
remote: refNameIx: 0,
remote: commitsForward: [ '342e2ee072a52a403eebfc21f11e105685b56957' ],
remote: opHint: 'commit_add' } }
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): cmd = git args = [ 'cat-file', '-p', '342e2ee072a52a403eebfc21f11e105685b56957' ] outputCharEncoding = utf8
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): child pid = 22583
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): close event of child process 22583 code = 0 signal = null
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: INFO: [EWM] [Toolkit]: ValidatePush fetchCommitDetails(): commitSha1ToCommitInfoMap { '342e2ee072a52a403eebfc21f11e105685b56957':
remote: { treeSha1: '949a5ae11c63432beaa2aa9a2a6ed9131242da33',
remote: parentSha1s: [ '2e7c7c871e269f01cab62f30c84f2aecf7e3a22d' ],
remote: author:
remote: { name: '',
remote: email: '',
remote: timeStamp: '1709843187',
remote: tzOffset: '+0100' },
remote: committer:
remote: { name: '',
remote: email: '',
remote: timeStamp: '1709843187',
remote: tzOffset: '+0100' },
remote: comment: 'test\n' } }
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: HTTPUtils HTTPUtils.js : Entering extractUserEmail
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: HTTPUtils HTTPUtils.js : gitUserDetails=root
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: INFO: [EWM] [Toolkit]: HTTPUtils HTTPUtils.js : No @ character detected, returning gitUserDetails as is
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: INFO: [EWM] [Toolkit]: HTTPUtils HTTPUtils.js : Returning gitUserDetails = root
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: INFO: [EWM] [Toolkit]: ValidatePush doValidateWithRTC(): data = { gitUser: 'root',
remote: repositoryKey: 'c6ec6e650b1a46b8bcaef04ca1c1d1d',
remote: remoteRef: [ 'refs/heads/main' ],
remote: opHint: [ 'commit_add' ],
remote: oldSha1: [ '2e7c7c871e269f01cab62f30c84f2aecf7e3a22d' ],
remote: newSha1: [ '342e2ee072a52a403eebfc21f11e105685b56957' ],
remote: commitSha1: [ '342e2ee072a52a403eebfc21f11e105685b56957' ],
remote: commitComment: [ 'test\n' ],
remote: committerName: [ '' ],
remote: committerEmail: [ '' ],
remote: refNameIx: [ 0 ],
remote: wiAttrIds: [],
remote: wiAttrIdAlias: [] }
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: ValidatePush doValidateWithRTC(): encoded data = 'gitUser=root&repositoryKey=c6ec6e650b1a46b8bcaef04ca1c1d1d1&remoteRef=refs%2Fheads%2Fmain&opHint=commit_add&oldSha1=2e7c7c871e269f01cab62f30c84f2aecf7e3a22d&newSha1=342e2ee072a52a403eebfc21f11e105685b56957&commitSha1=342e2ee072a52a403eebfc21f11e105685b56957&commitComment=test%0A&'
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: RTC invokeRTCService(): params = 'gitUser=root&repositoryKey=c6ec6e650b1a46b8bcaef04ca1c1d1d1&remoteRef=refs%2Fheads%2Fmain&opHint=commit_add&oldSha1=2e7c7c871e269f01cab62f30c84f2aecf7e3a22d&newSha1=342e2ee072a52a403eebfc21f11e105685b56957&commitSha1=342e2ee072a52a403eebfc21f11e105685b56957&commitComment=test%0A&'
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: RTC invokeRTCService(): status code = 403
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR:
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: CRRTC8814E: You are not authorized to perform that Git operation.
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: The Git operation cannot be completed because you are not authorized to perform it.
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: In the IBM Engineering Workflow Management web client, authorize your user account by selecting the "Authorize Git Requests." If the problem persists, contact your administrator to authorize you.
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR:
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR:
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: Utils exit(): ec = 1
! [remote rejected] main -> main (pre-receive hook declined)
error: failed to push some refs to ''
Enumerating objects: 19, done.
Counting objects: 100% (19/19), done.
Delta compression using up to 12 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
Writing objects: 100% (10/10), 605 bytes | 605.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 10 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [pre-receive]: Begin execution of pre-receive hook for GitLab
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: INFO: [EWM] [pre-receive]: Found GitLab server URL set in GL_SERVER variable.
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: INFO: [EWM] [pre-receive]: Found GitLab user's token. set in GL_SERVER variable.
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: INFO: [EWM] [pre-receive]: Received GL_ID from GitLab server - user-2
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: INFO: [EWM] [pre-receive]: Contacting GitLab server to retrieve the user id corresponding to GL_USER 2
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: INFO: [EWM] [pre-receive]: REMOTE_USER is root
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [pre-receive]: Calling toolkit with arguments old_sha1=2e7c7c871e269f01cab62f30c84f2aecf7e3a22d&new_sha1=342e2ee072a52a403eebfc21f11e105685b56957&ref_name=refs%2Fheads%2Fmain&
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: INFO: [EWM] [Toolkit]: ValidatePush ****************************************************************************
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: INFO: [EWM] [Toolkit]: ValidatePush product_version=7.0.2 SR1iFix015
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: INFO: [EWM] [Toolkit]: ValidatePush product_release_label=7.0.2 SR1
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: INFO: [EWM] [Toolkit]: ValidatePush product_iteration_label=iFix015
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: INFO: [EWM] [Toolkit]: ValidatePush product_release_artifact_version_label=7.0.2000
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: INFO: [EWM] [Toolkit]: ValidatePush product_ifix_version=iFix015
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: INFO: [EWM] [Toolkit]: ValidatePush build_id=EWM-SERVER-I20220731-0234
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: INFO: [EWM] [Toolkit]: ValidatePush ****************************************************************************
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): cmd = git args = [ 'config', 'rtc.repokey' ] outputCharEncoding = utf8
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): child pid = 22576
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): cmd = git args = [ 'config', 'rtc.repourl' ] outputCharEncoding = utf8
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): child pid = 22577
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): cmd = git args = [ 'config', 'rtc.refsExcluded4PushValidation' ] outputCharEncoding = utf8
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): child pid = 22578
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): cmd = git args = [ 'config', 'rtc.wikeywords' ] outputCharEncoding = utf8
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): child pid = 22579
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): cmd = git args = [ 'config', '--get-regexp', 'rtcwi.*.alias' ] outputCharEncoding = utf8
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): child pid = 22580
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): close event of child process 22580 code = 1 signal = null
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: INFO: [EWM] [Toolkit]: CLGitResourceProvider getConfig.spawnCb(): err = Git Error: 'null' 1:
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): close event of child process 22579 code = 1 signal = null
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: INFO: [EWM] [Toolkit]: CLGitResourceProvider getConfig.spawnCb(): err = Git Error: 'null' 1:
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): close event of child process 22578 code = 1 signal = null
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: INFO: [EWM] [Toolkit]: CLGitResourceProvider getConfig.spawnCb(): err = Git Error: 'null' 1:
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): close event of child process 22577 code = 0 signal = null
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): close event of child process 22576 code = 0 signal = null
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): cmd = git args = [ 'rev-list',
remote: '2e7c7c871e269f01cab62f30c84f2aecf7e3a22d..342e2ee072a52a403eebfc21f11e105685b56957' ] outputCharEncoding = utf8
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): child pid = 22581
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): cmd = git args = [ 'rev-list',
remote: '342e2ee072a52a403eebfc21f11e105685b56957..2e7c7c871e269f01cab62f30c84f2aecf7e3a22d' ] outputCharEncoding = utf8
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): child pid = 22582
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): close event of child process 22581 code = 0 signal = null
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): close event of child process 22582 code = 0 signal = null
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: WARNING: [EWM] [Toolkit]: CLGitResourceProvider getCommitsBetween.spawnCb(): err = Git Error: ''
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: WARNING: [EWM] [Toolkit]: ValidatePush There is an error in fetching rewind commits Git Error: ''
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: INFO: [EWM] [Toolkit]: ValidatePush buildRefModel(): refModel { 'refs/heads/main':
remote: { oldSha1: '2e7c7c871e269f01cab62f30c84f2aecf7e3a22d',
remote: newSha1: '342e2ee072a52a403eebfc21f11e105685b56957',
remote: refNameIx: 0,
remote: commitsForward: [ '342e2ee072a52a403eebfc21f11e105685b56957' ],
remote: opHint: 'commit_add' } }
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): cmd = git args = [ 'cat-file', '-p', '342e2ee072a52a403eebfc21f11e105685b56957' ] outputCharEncoding = utf8
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): child pid = 22583
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: OSUtils doSpawn(): close event of child process 22583 code = 0 signal = null
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: INFO: [EWM] [Toolkit]: ValidatePush fetchCommitDetails(): commitSha1ToCommitInfoMap { '342e2ee072a52a403eebfc21f11e105685b56957':
remote: { treeSha1: '949a5ae11c63432beaa2aa9a2a6ed9131242da33',
remote: parentSha1s: [ '2e7c7c871e269f01cab62f30c84f2aecf7e3a22d' ],
remote: author:
remote: { name: '',
remote: email: '',
remote: timeStamp: '1709843187',
remote: tzOffset: '+0100' },
remote: committer:
remote: { name: '',
remote: email: '',
remote: timeStamp: '1709843187',
remote: tzOffset: '+0100' },
remote: comment: 'test\n' } }
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: HTTPUtils HTTPUtils.js : Entering extractUserEmail
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: HTTPUtils HTTPUtils.js : gitUserDetails=root
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: INFO: [EWM] [Toolkit]: HTTPUtils HTTPUtils.js : No @ character detected, returning gitUserDetails as is
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: INFO: [EWM] [Toolkit]: HTTPUtils HTTPUtils.js : Returning gitUserDetails = root
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: INFO: [EWM] [Toolkit]: ValidatePush doValidateWithRTC(): data = { gitUser: 'root',
remote: repositoryKey: 'c6ec6e650b1a46b8bcaef04ca1c1d1d',
remote: remoteRef: [ 'refs/heads/main' ],
remote: opHint: [ 'commit_add' ],
remote: oldSha1: [ '2e7c7c871e269f01cab62f30c84f2aecf7e3a22d' ],
remote: newSha1: [ '342e2ee072a52a403eebfc21f11e105685b56957' ],
remote: commitSha1: [ '342e2ee072a52a403eebfc21f11e105685b56957' ],
remote: commitComment: [ 'test\n' ],
remote: committerName: [ '' ],
remote: committerEmail: [ '' ],
remote: refNameIx: [ 0 ],
remote: wiAttrIds: [],
remote: wiAttrIdAlias: [] }
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: ValidatePush doValidateWithRTC(): encoded data = 'gitUser=root&repositoryKey=c6ec6e650b1a46b8bcaef04ca1c1d1d1&remoteRef=refs%2Fheads%2Fmain&opHint=commit_add&oldSha1=2e7c7c871e269f01cab62f30c84f2aecf7e3a22d&newSha1=342e2ee072a52a403eebfc21f11e105685b56957&commitSha1=342e2ee072a52a403eebfc21f11e105685b56957&commitComment=test%0A&'
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: RTC invokeRTCService(): params = 'gitUser=root&repositoryKey=c6ec6e650b1a46b8bcaef04ca1c1d1d1&remoteRef=refs%2Fheads%2Fmain&opHint=commit_add&oldSha1=2e7c7c871e269f01cab62f30c84f2aecf7e3a22d&newSha1=342e2ee072a52a403eebfc21f11e105685b56957&commitSha1=342e2ee072a52a403eebfc21f11e105685b56957&commitComment=test%0A&'
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: RTC invokeRTCService(): status code = 403
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR:
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: CRRTC8814E: You are not authorized to perform that Git operation.
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: The Git operation cannot be completed because you are not authorized to perform it.
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: In the IBM Engineering Workflow Management web client, authorize your user account by selecting the "Authorize Git Requests." If the problem persists, contact your administrator to authorize you.
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR:
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR:
remote: GL-HOOK-ERR: VERBOSE: [EWM] [Toolkit]: Utils exit(): ec = 1
! [remote rejected] main -> main (pre-receive hook declined)
error: failed to push some refs to ''
I've already authorized all user and I'm not understanding the message:
CRRTC8814E: You are not authorized to perform that Git operation
How can I understand which user is not authorized?
Thanks in advance.
Don Yang
Mar 11 '24, 12:39 a.m.if EWM and Gitlab have different login user, it could lead to the same error