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DNG OSLC API: How to update multiple artifacts simultaneously?

Nhan Pham (111) | asked Nov 23 '23, 12:24 a.m.
edited Nov 23 '23, 12:25 a.m.

 Hello all,
I have project where I need to translate contents of requirement artifacts in a module to a language, and show them in a custom attribute "Translate". What my code does is to fetch the artifacts, translate and update the attribute "Translate" on each artifact. For a module with about 1000 artifacts, that's fine. But on a larger scale module, let's say 3000 artifacts, the process starts to get significantly slow. 
I do use Promise.all() to translate and update 10 artifacts at the same, but not much help there. Is there any OSLC api that I can use to edit attributes and update all / selected artifacts in a module at on fewer fetches?

My current steps to translate and update each artifact are below:

1. Get artifact xml and etag for update.

method: "GET"

    xmlns:oslc_auto="" >
    <rdf:Description rdf:about="some resource URI here">
        <acp:accessControl rdf:resource=""/>
        <rm_property:AD_r1kfvXe6Ee6snvakaYJXeQ rdf:resource=""/>
        <j.0:H_Toxic rdf:datatype="">Issue: The requirement lacks constraints related to the specific actions to be taken when the light intensity is greater than 500 lumens for at least 3 seconds. Without additional details, this requirement may lead to major late changes in the design and implementation of the automatic mode system.</j.0:H_Toxic>
        <j.0:H_Quality rdf:datatype="">Based on the INCOSE standard, the requirement is of high quality as it is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.</j.0:H_Quality>
        <rm_property:AD_r1kftne6Ee6snvakaYJXeQ rdf:datatype="">false</rm_property:AD_r1kftne6Ee6snvakaYJXeQ>
        <dcterms:contributor rdf:resource=""/>
        <rm_property:AD_r1kfwne6Ee6snvakaYJXeQ rdf:datatype="">false</rm_property:AD_r1kfwne6Ee6snvakaYJXeQ>
        <rm_property:AD_r1kfvHe6Ee6snvakaYJXeQ rdf:resource=""/>
        <rm_property:AD_r1kfrXe6Ee6snvakaYJXeQ rdf:datatype="">None</rm_property:AD_r1kfrXe6Ee6snvakaYJXeQ>
        <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
        <oslc_config:component rdf:resource=""/>
        <oslc:instanceShape rdf:resource=""/>
        <jazz_rm:primaryText rdf:parseType="Literal">
            <div xmlns="">
                <p dir="ltr" id="_1699760829964">In Automatic mode the light should go OFF, if the light intensity is greater than 500 lumens for at least 3 seconds.</p>
        <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
        <dcterms:description rdf:parseType="Literal"></dcterms:description>
        <dcterms:title rdf:parseType="Literal">In Automatic mode the light should go OFF, if the light intensity is greater than 500 lumens for at least 3 seconds.</dcterms:title>
        <dcterms:identifier rdf:datatype="">320436</dcterms:identifier>
        <dcterms:creator rdf:resource=""/>
        <oslc:serviceProvider rdf:resource=""/>

The second fetch, I added the defined entry "H_Translate" with the translation and PUT it with the same resource URL.
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:acp="" xmlns:j.0="" xmlns:public_rm_10="" xmlns:calm="" xmlns:jazz_rm="" xmlns:acc="" xmlns:process="" xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:oslc="" xmlns:nav="" xmlns:oslc_config="" xmlns:oslc_rm="" xmlns:dng_task="" xmlns:rm="" xmlns:rm_property="" xmlns:oslc_auto=""> 
    <rm_property:AD_r1kfvXe6Ee6snvakaYJXeQ rdf:resource=""/>
    <j.0:H_Toxic rdf:datatype="">Issue: The requirement lacks constraints related to the specific actions to be taken when the light intensity is greater than 500 lumens for at least 3 seconds. Without additional details, this requirement may lead to major late changes in the design and implementation of the automatic mode system.</j.0:H_Toxic>
    <j.0:H_Quality rdf:datatype="">Based on the INCOSE standard, the requirement is of high quality as it is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.</j.0:H_Quality>
    <rm_property:AD_r1kftne6Ee6snvakaYJXeQ rdf:datatype="">false</rm_property:AD_r1kftne6Ee6snvakaYJXeQ>
    <dcterms:contributor rdf:resource=""/>
    <rm_property:AD_r1kfwne6Ee6snvakaYJXeQ rdf:datatype="">false</rm_property:AD_r1kfwne6Ee6snvakaYJXeQ>
    <rm_property:AD_r1kfvHe6Ee6snvakaYJXeQ rdf:resource=""/>
    <rm_property:AD_r1kfrXe6Ee6snvakaYJXeQ rdf:datatype="">None</rm_property:AD_r1kfrXe6Ee6snvakaYJXeQ>
    <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
    <oslc_config:component rdf:resource=""/>
    <oslc:instanceShape rdf:resource=""/>
    <jazz_rm:primaryText rdf:parseType="Literal"><div xmlns="">
<p dir="ltr" id="_1699760829964">In Automatic mode the light should go OFF, if the light intensity is greater than 500 lumens for at least 3 seconds.</p>
    <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
    <j.0:H_Translate rdf:datatype="">
স্বয়ংক্ৰিয় মোডত পোহৰ বন্ধ হ'ব লাগে, যদি পোহৰৰ তীব্ৰতা কমেও 3 ছেকেণ্ডৰ বাবে 500 লুমেনতকৈ অধিক হয়।
    <dcterms:description rdf:parseType="Literal"/>
    <dcterms:title rdf:parseType="Literal">In Automatic mode the light should go OFF, if the light intensity is greater than 500 lumens for at least 3 seconds.</dcterms:title>
    <dcterms:creator rdf:resource=""/>

Thanks for your support! =)))

One answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Nov 23 '23, 2:30 a.m.

 Since you perform all operations on the resource URI, I am not aware of any way to update multiple resources in one request in OSLC.

Nhan Pham commented Nov 23 '23, 3:08 a.m. | edited Nov 23 '23, 3:09 a.m.

 Hi Ralph, is there any alternative to the "resourceURI" that I can update mutliple resources?

Ralph Schoon commented Nov 23 '23, 3:36 a.m.

OSLC works as OSLC works, not for OSLC as I am aware. 

Here the APIs we support:

There is a module API, but I don't think that is to update the requirements content. There is a Client Extension API, but I have no experience with it. 

Nhan Pham commented Nov 23 '23, 3:50 a.m.

OK, I will take a look at the module API and the Client Extension one. Hopefully there's a robust solution to this.

Thanks Raph for your support

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