OSCL Query API: Get all attribute values for artifacts within a specific module in Doors Next 7.0.3

Is there a way to get all attribute values for artifacts within a specific module via OSLC API? For example, the following query works (query is retrieving all artifacts within module 200012 where a custom attribute has the value "TESTVALUE") if I explicitly specify what is returned in the oslc.select parameter. For readability purposes, the values in the query below are not URL encoded (I did encode the values in the API request before I sent it):
https://server/rm/views?oslc.query=true&oslc_config.context=context&oslc.prefix=oslc_rm=<http://open-services.net/ns/rm#>,dcterms=<http://purl.org/dc/terms/>,rp0=<https://server/rm/types/>&oslc.select=oslc_rm:uses{dcterms:title},oslc_rm:uses{dcterms:identifier},oslc_rm:uses{rp0:AD_r9hZsIc2Ee-bY_dDub0TeA}&oslc.where=dcterms:identifier=200012 and oslc_rm:uses{rp0:AD_sVZsoEnJEe-eqOqeJK18FA="TESTVALUE"}
I know that if you are querying for an artifact directly you would just put in the oslc.select paramter, but for the above query this will just return the attributes in the module 200012 and not the attributes in the artifacts within the module. I also tried putting oslsc_rm:uses{} in the oslc.select paramter but that didn't work either as it gives me a 400 bad request error.
Accepted answer

AFAICT DOORS Next doesn't handle * in a oslc.select nested scope parameter like oslc_rm:uses{*} or *{*} which are both syntactically valid according to the spec https://oslc-op.github.io/oslc-specs/specs/core/oslc-core.html#resourceShapes
You can put a comma-separated list into a nested scope select like oslc_rm:uses{dcterms:identifier,rp0:AD_r9hZsIc2Ee-bY_dDub0TeA} but not the primary text.
If you need the primary text you'll end up post-processing one way or another. It may be simpler to use the reportable rest api to report on artifacts in the module and process that? Maybe you could combine using OSLC Query to get the artifact IDs with the attribute condition you want then pick those artifacts out of the reportable rest output - at least this avoids retrieving each artifact individually.
One other answer

The problem you have is that you're querying the module but want the contents. Have you tried oslc:select=oslc_rm:uses{*} ? It's a guess and likely won't work but have a go first.
The normal way this is done is by two calls - you first get the module content, which returns a list of basic info for the artefact, but it also returns the URL to retrieve the artefact directly, and a second call to that URL will let you use oslc:select=*