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Issues while using merge configuration in RQM

KT PD (5910) | asked Oct 04 '23, 9:30 a.m.

 Hi team,

We are working on RQM 7.0.2 SR1. We have global configuration enabled project areas. We want to use merge configuration between the streams started from same components.
at the time of doing it we are getting below issues:
1. The attachments for test suits are moving to trash , before performing merge configuration we need to restore and then perform action
2. We have test suit to be merged with linked test cases, test scripts. While doing action we are selecting test suit only so by default there linked test cases and test suits are also will merged. but we need to merge each test case and test suits manually.
The user is having all required permissions to perform the action.
Please assist and let me know if any additional information is required.


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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Oct 05 '23, 2:53 a.m.

 Please open a case with support.

KT PD selected this answer as the correct answer

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