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IBM DNG 702 Create a report including the re-marks

Rafael Rodriguez Montes (23013130256) | asked Sep 26 '23, 11:12 a.m.


There are remarks in my requirement artifacts, but when I try to export it using Report Services, it doesn't bring the marks, it comes all together with the previous text and the new corrected text without scratching the previous text. 

How can I export in excel with the red marks?

David Honey commented Sep 26 '23, 11:22 a.m.

Are the changes shown in the web browser and in HTML or PDF export?
Not all of the possible rich text formatting is preserved when exporting to Excel or CSV - much is removed. I believe that bold and italics is preserved. This is not customizable. It is what it is.

Rafael Rodriguez Montes commented Sep 26 '23, 3:45 p.m.

 the changes are shown in the web browser, when you open a module, you see the requirement text with red marks, in the same way I wanted to be exported. 

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