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Need help for Build

Dac Lan Khanh Nguyen (41186) | asked Jan 22 '08, 1:02 p.m.
I did the build example (with, and build.xml script) shipped with Team Concert but I don't see Compilation tab. I can see these tabs: Summary, JUnit, Downloads, Logs and Properties.

Can someone tell me how to do to see Compilation tab ?


6 answers

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Ryan Manwiller (1.3k1) | answered Jan 22 '08, 1:48 p.m.
It could be there was a problem invoking the compiler. In the build result
Logs tab, is there a log? If so, can you include its contents here?

Be sure you downloaded the ecj.jar from eclipse as in step 2 of the
instructions in

Ryan Manwiller
Jazz Team Build component

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Dac Lan Khanh Nguyen (41186) | answered Jan 22 '08, 2:04 p.m.
Yes, I followed all the instructions in build.xml. I downloaded ecj.jar and I specified it in the Ant Arguments field ("-lib D:\jazz_test\ecj.jar").

Here is the result in a file of Logs tab:

Invoking pre-build participant ""
Accepting changes into workspace "Hello_World_Project_Area Team Stream Workspace2" ...
Fetching files to fetch destination "D:\jazz_test_team_concert_beta2a\jazz\buildsystem\buildengine\eclipse\fectch" ...
Invoking build participant ""
Buildfile: D:\jazz_test_workspace_admin_no_migration\Hello_World\build.xml

Using repositoryAddress = http://localhost:9080/jazz/
Using userId = ADMIN
Using buildDefinitionId = Hello_World_Project_Area Team build
Using junitJar = D:\jazz_test_team_concert_beta2\jazz\client\eclipse\plugins\org.junit_3.8.2.v200706111738\junit.jar

Deleting directory D:\jazz_test_workspace_admin_no_migration\Hello_World\bin
Created dir: D:\jazz_test_workspace_admin_no_migration\Hello_World\bin
Compiling 2 source files to D:\jazz_test_workspace_admin_no_migration\Hello_World\bin
Building jar: D:\jazz_test_workspace_admin_no_migration\Hello_World\hello.jar


Build Hello_World_Project_Area Team build completed.


Total time: 5 seconds

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Ryan Manwiller (1.3k1) | answered Jan 22 '08, 5:28 p.m.
The log looks good. Can you confirm your build.xml contains this:

<!-- Publish the compile log to Jazz. -->
<jdtCompileLogPublisher buildResultUUID="${buildResultUUID}"
filePath="${compileLog}" />

After running the build, does the compile-and-test directory contain a
compile.xml file? This is the file that the jdtCompileLogPublisher is trying
to publish.

Also, check the Error Log view in eclipse. Is there an error logged when
opening the build result? Also, try refreshing the build result.

Finally, as a way to debug it and verify the jdtCompileLogPublisher is being
run, in the build xml change the filePath="${compileLog}" to
filePath="missing" and just confirm you get an error in the log.

Ryan Manwiller
Jazz Team Build

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Jacob Thompson (8662) | answered Jan 22 '08, 9:57 p.m.
Make sure you set your compiler property

<property name="build.compiler" value="org.eclipse.jdt.core.JDTCompilerAdapter" />

Then in the <javac> you want to make sure you have
<compilerarg line="-log ${file.compile.log}" />

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Dac Lan Khanh Nguyen (41186) | answered Jan 23 '08, 10:14 a.m.
Everything is therer in the build.xml script. The file compile.xml is generated after builds. But I don't see Compilation tab.

I created a Work Item with the attachments for reference:

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Jacob Thompson (8662) | answered Jan 23 '08, 11:08 a.m.
Possibly a messed up client plugin, or a bad install

Try to start teamconcert with -clean so it will rescan your plugins.

Also, try from another install of team concert.

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