OSLC Query on DNG returns "Slug should be decorated" error
I am trying to query requirements in DNG via the oslc query. I am using "dc:terms=<http://purl.org/dc/terms>" as the prefix and to filter my data I am using oslc.where="dcterms:references=<MyAppLink>". Essentially I want to filter on requirements, which contain links to my application. If I leave out the oslc.where filter I am getting all results. The links of my app look like this "https://server.com/id". If I add my filter I am getting error 400 "Slug should be decorated but is not 'id' ".
One answer
If I query without a filter, all results, which have a link, do include the "dcterms:references rdf:resource="myapplink" parameter. The links where made from DNG to my app, therefore they are stored in DNG.
Which version+ifix are you using? What sort of link are you creating; is it an OSLC link or a simple hyperlink? Is configuraiton management enabled in your DN project?
DNG Version 7.0.2. The links I create in DNG are "Reference" links, so OSLC links. They show a preview if you hover over them. ConfigManagment is enabled.
You are right, it works with Jazz or my DNG web server links. My application runs on an external server and does not work. I am not sure why. I assumed the backend just does a simple string comparison, but there seem to be some rules. I will try to create an internal support case. For now I will have to parse through the file and compare for myself I guess.
> parse through the file and compare for myself
Exactly how I did it. It works. But parsing through a few hundred requirements is ok. Parsing through a few thousand every time we do a site refresh is gonna be a pain. I hope IBM can resolve this somehow for our business.