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401 Error connecting to server from Python REST API

Sydney Tanoe (112) | asked Jun 22 '22, 7:28 p.m.
edited Jun 22 '22, 9:22 p.m.
I have a friendship link in our ETM with another cloud server's RM project. The link can connect test cases with the requirements. It is working as of now in our ETM.

I am trying to use Python REST API to get the data from either server with also the link. I am having troubles connecting to the server as I'm not sure which authentication needed. I'm not familiar with REST API and keep getting the 401 error. I have used different authentication types including basic, form, oscl, and bearer but all returns the same 401 response. I have read from several forums, and also tried to use it in my code but it still gives the 401 error.

When I try to get the "WWW-Authenticate" header it returns a jauth realm link and token_uri link. I'm not sure what to do with it and what it means. 

Any help or tips are greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

Michael Rowe commented Oct 19 '23, 2:26 p.m.

The 401 implies an authorization issue.  As Ralph comments below the OAuth1.0a dance will use the information in the friendship but it is not just dependent on friend ship.  I have provided both a 1.0a and a OIDC (Oauth2.0) bearer token blog post at - - and .  These posts also provide sample Postman files for testing it out the process..   I hope it helps.

One answer

permanent link
Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jun 23 '22, 1:44 a.m.

 As far as I can tell, the friendship link does not solve the login problem. It might play a role in OAuth authentication. I have played with OAuth, but with limited success, because it seems to still require the user to authenticate.

I have created to explain my experiences with ELM Authentication. It explains all the different options (as far as I was able to figure them out) of the dance. The blog also has a link to some more information regarding OAuth.

The authentication code I use is not fully published. You might be able to steal something from 
PyPI ELM Client – Python client with examples by Ian Barnard. 

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