OSLC Query for RTC returns error

I am trying to use the below query but gets error message as " The requested URL was not found on this server."
One answer

I would assume that the requested URL was not found on this server. This usually means that the URL is invalid. That can have various reasons.
Since the question is of such a low quality, avoiding to provide any useful information, there is no way to tell. How has the URL being obtained? This would usually be done in a discovery process. Which method was used? Headers sent? Consider How should I ask a question in the Forum if I want to receive useful answers? if you want to post here.
One detail I find suspicious is the context root /jazz/ this context root is usually only used by very old EWM servers, or during server extension development.

The base URL was fetched with the help of the below link

Yea, as I thought the error message is absolutely correct. Instead of trying to skip all information start at the beginning, especially https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/WorkItemAPIsForOSLCCM20#Discovery_Mechanism . The boldface data (at least) is specific to the system where the example was run.

See a walkthrough of discovery to find query capabilities here: https://jazz.net/forum/answer_link/266667/

Use rootservices to discover the OSLC Service Provider Catalog of interest.
Use OSLC discovery to find the query capability - see https://docs.oasis-open-projects.org/oslc-op/core/v3.0/os/discovery.html