Start CLM apps in different version deployed at the same WAS (all-in-one topology)
We are upgrading CLM from 606 to 702SR1 and we are planning to split the process into two fases. in stage one we are upgrading JTS, RQM, CCM, DCC and JRS and in an other moment we will upgrade the RDNg, due to the huge volume of data in DNg database.
Regarding that, I need to perform this upgrade in our stage environment first which is an all-in-one env (all the clm apps deployed at the only WAS).
I've already upgraded the JTS, RQM, CCM, DCC and JRS from 606 to 702SR1 version and they are running great. Now I need to start the RDNg (rm) in this environment in its 606 version and I'm asking for your help to make it work.
Resume is, how could I manage to use CLM apps, in different versions (606 DNg and 702 the others), deployed in the same WAS?