Is it possible to change the Html of a workitem on the Web Server to display the resolution for all linked work items once they are closed and Resolved?
My group uses and creates work items on the server side of ELM. When seeing all the related and children work items on the current work item, they would like to see the resolution icon of closed related/children work items based on what the resolution is. Is it possible to use javascript to change the html to display the resolution icon? Possibly on themes? Are there any good resouces showing how to create themes for ELM?
One answer
Not that I would be aware of. You can hover over the link.
You can search for Themes for the documentation.
Here a warning from my side: we are aware of customers that used themes to create heavy communication like this will likely require. This caused severe performance issues on the client and created a lot of issues until it was detected to be caused by the customer and finally removed.