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Java version required for Visual Browse in Rational Asset Manager

Ryan McBryde (5911233) | asked Jun 02 '23, 1:33 p.m.

 I am trying to use the Visual Browse option on an asset, using the Web Client, using the Chrome browser (version 113.0.5672.93) and when I try, I get an error message, telling me that I need Java version 1.5 at least to us the VB option. I have checked the server and it is using Java version 1.8. Is this error referring to the version of Java that I have installed on my laptop or is it the version on the server? If the server, then where is it looking for java? I have confirmed that version 1.8 is installed in "C:/IBM/WebSphere85/AppServer/java/jre/bin/javaw.exe" which I found on the administration page under Configuration.
If it is on my workstation, where does it look for the correct version of Java?
Is that a configuration item for the browser?

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