Unable to see the assets of a community

One answer

Access simply means that at least one role has been assigned to that user, or a usergroup that the user is in, or a role has been assigned to either Registered Users, or Any User. The actual accessibility is determined by the conditions placed on the role. For example the role may only give access to assets of a certain type, but no assets of that type are in the community.
You will need to go the Community Admin and have them tell you what role the user has and how it is restricted.

Thanks Richard,
We are facing a very peculiar issue for just one community. All the user groups and the user roles have been defined properly. The issue is -
1. There are assets of 2 asset types within this community and they are all published. When an end user logins in , he is able to see the community home page but NOT the assets of this community.
When he checks the "configuration" tab in the community page, he sees the following message - "There are no assets of any type in this community. Click the viewlet title to see a list of all avaialble asset types." (Please see screenshot below)
If you log in as a community admin, and go the "Assets" page and filter by this communinty, you are able to see the assets in this community -
Please can you advise what may be the cause of this issue and the resolution?

Do you have any conditions on the roles assigned?
Who are the roles assigned to? Any users, registered users, particular users or usergroups?
This tells me there are restrictions applied.
Exactly what RAM version and testfix do you have applied?
If you are at least, have a community admin select one of those assets for display, once displayed have him select Reports, and then Permissions. This page will show you for each state who can see the asset, and what role(s) allows the users to see the asset.

Thanks Richard, No we didnt have any conditions on the roles assigned. This was strange because it was happening only for one community. We moved all the assets into another community with the same lifecycle configuration and user roles and it worked fine.
Thanks much!