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Is it possible to operate ETM Project Area with EWM Operation Participant?

I'm developing an operation participant that runs with saving work items.
2 answers

Hi Musashi,

Did you try to use the Java API against ETM? As far as I am aware, the same Java API should work for ETM, because that part of the API is shared. Unless there is something that prevents the APIU from working on ETM, it is worth a try. I do not know if there are any special authentication requirements.

Is there a way to access the IRepositoryItemService on the ETM side?
IRepositoryItemService itemService = getService(IRepositoryItemService.class);
//EWM-OK,ETM-NGUUID ewmuuid = UUID.valueOf("_Gg83MN6KEeuJy9m7LML5cA");//UUID rqmuuid = UUID.valueOf("_Fa-_kOhMEeu-6aXqyuSoaA");IProjectAreaHandle ewmhandle = (IProjectAreaHandle)IProjectArea.ITEM_TYPE.createItemHandle(ewmuuid, null);IProjectArea ipaEwm =(IProjectArea)itemService.fetchItem(ewmhandle,null);String EwmProjectName = ipaEwm.getName();

I think the reason why it does not work for ETM but for EWM is, that you are logged into EWM and the ItemService you use is the one of EWM and not of ETM.

I will think about it some more.

You could try to follow the SDK entries you have in your follow up action to look into the underlying layers. At some point the services use an HTTP client to send the calls. You should be able to get that client and the associated session to make your call to ETM, or may be able to get the Java service that allows you to reach the remote server. I have no examples unfortunately.

Once again, thanks!