Has anyone successfully configured CLM on Oracle RDS from AWS?
Yes, is out of support.
I am trying to upgrade to 7.0.2 but I am using SQL Server and I can't run RDNG 7.0.2 on SQL Server, so I have to migrate the databases over to Oracle. We have the apps running on AWS EC2 and we currently have the databases on SQL Server 2014 RDS. The Oracle RDS has been created and the necessary databases as well. The databases have been set up with data encryption so certificates come into the picture.
We keep running into this error:
The server was unable to connect to the database because the database connection settings are invalid or because database is unreachable (SQLSTATE: 08006, SQLCODE: 17002). Verify the connection settings in your teamserver.properties file.
The connection string referenced:
Has anyone successfully set up CLM or 7.0.2 using secured Oracle RDS?
One answer
First try the steps documented for 7.0.2 which may work for older versions: https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/elm/7.0.2?topic=server-establishing-secure-oracle-database-connection-liberty
Something else you could try, based on experience with getting a secured connection to SQL Server: I had to update the jre to get it to work. I think this is because the SSL/TLS implementation is in JRE and there have been breaking changes since the JRE shipped with - sorry, I don't have more detail.
Obviously care is needed replacing the JRE so get a backup of everything first! Strongly suggest doing this in a test environment first!
I needed jre >= 8.07.10, see https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/ibm-sdk-java-technology-edition-version-80-websphere-liberty-using-archives - you may as well update to latest.
To update: Download the jre archive from the link above, delete the jre folder in and copy over from the archive
Run java -version to confirm it's the new version
Then the SSL connection will hopefully work.
HI Ian,
Thanks for your help. I seem to have gotten working but still working out exactly got it to work. I did update the JRE as you suggested, but I also created a wallet file, converted it to a jks file and then added lines to use it to the server startup bat file. I also discovered that the database passwd had an @ sign in it and that was causing problems so I changed the passwd. It now works and as I said I am trying to document exactly what was done and which pieces did what. I will post again with the results of that. Now I am trying to do the same for my JAS database and running into similar issues. Any experience with that?
See https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/node/6468589 - although note that the modifications to repotools.sh/bat must be remade after any ifix update or use of repotools -clean (because this redeploys them from the application code)
Also apparently at least on linux ORACLE_JDBC_DRIVE_FILE should point at only the ojbc8.jar not the list of files as shown in technote
Ian Barnard
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Mar 18 '23, 11:33 a.m.See the docs https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/elm/7.0.2?topic=server-establishing-secure-oracle-database-connection-liberty - that topic doesn't exist for but might be worth trying?
Ryan McBryde
Mar 18 '23, 6:29 p.m.Thanks Ian,
David Honey
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Mar 20 '23, 4:29 a.m.Have you tried DBeaver to see if you can successfully connect through JDBC?
Ryan McBryde
Mar 20 '23, 6:00 p.m.I have used DB Visualizer to successfully ping the host and port but cannot connect. I think it's an issue with certificates, ewallet files, etc. as described here: