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RTC Builds - Streams vs Workspace

Benjamin Chodroff (8985231) | asked Dec 09 '09, 5:13 p.m.
Is there any time when building off a stream vs a workspace is recommended?

From the help:
Consider using a dedicated build workspace unless the continuous build runs more frequently than daily and/or the total build time is an impediment to run builds as frequently as desired.

Not sure why a stream makes build runs faster vs a workspace?

7 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Dec 09 '09, 5:17 p.m.

my understanding was the build would always run on a repository workspace allowing to accept incoming changes from the stream.

If I am missing something here, can you go into more details?



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Benjamin Chodroff (8985231) | answered Dec 09 '09, 5:25 p.m.

my understanding was the build would always run on a repository workspace allowing to accept incoming changes from the stream.

Agreed - but the help says otherwise. As well, if you go into a build definition, you can set the build to run on a stream (even though it says workspace). Wasn't sure if anyone out there knew what the help was talking about.

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Dec 10 '09, 12:23 a.m.
I assume you are referring to the line:

"It's possible to create read-only Source Control builds which fetch
files from a Stream. These builds are not auditable since they won't
record the set of files that were built. But these are useful for
continuous builds."

Well, that's news to me (:-).

WRT setting the build to run on a stream, are you sure? Although the
workspace/stream browser is re-used here, have you actually succeeded in
selecting a stream? Doesn't it say "must be owned by a user" (and
streams are always owned by a team/process area, not by a user).


benjamin.chodroff wrote:
my understanding was the build would always run on a repository
workspace allowing to accept incoming changes from the stream.

Agreed - but the help says otherwise. As well, if you go into a build
definition, you can set the build to run on a stream (even though it
says workspace). Wasn't sure if anyone out there knew what the help
was talking about.

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Dec 10 '09, 12:38 a.m.
Ignore my comment about problems with setting the build to run on a
stream. I tried again in another project area, and it happily accepted
the stream instead of a workspace.

The only thing I can think of is that it allows you to avoid the
overhead of accepting changes from the stream into the build workspace
before each build. But that operation is very fast, so that's not much
of a reason.

I eagerly await an explanation from the SCM or Build team (:-).


Geoffrey Clemm wrote:
I assume you are referring to the line:

"It's possible to create read-only Source Control builds which fetch
files from a Stream. These builds are not auditable since they won't
record the set of files that were built. But these are useful for
continuous builds."

Well, that's news to me (:-).

WRT setting the build to run on a stream, are you sure? Although the
workspace/stream browser is re-used here, have you actually succeeded in
selecting a stream? Doesn't it say "must be owned by a user" (and
streams are always owned by a team/process area, not by a user).


benjamin.chodroff wrote:
my understanding was the build would always run on a repository
workspace allowing to accept incoming changes from the stream.
Agreed - but the help says otherwise. As well, if you go into a build
definition, you can set the build to run on a stream (even though it
says workspace). Wasn't sure if anyone out there knew what the help
was talking about.

Direct link to help in question:

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Nick Edgar (6.5k711) | answered Dec 10 '09, 1:04 p.m.
Honestly, I find this surprising too. While building against a stream would generally work, you would lose the isolation that a build workspace offers. Without that isolation, it's kind of undefined what would get built. For example, someone could deliver changes at any time, even during the load. This isn't much different than a personal build though.

I think that paragraph should just be taken out, but I'm trying to get more background on it first.

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Nick Edgar (6.5k711) | answered Dec 10 '09, 1:08 p.m.
Also, performance-wise, there's no reason not to use a build workspace. If the workspace and stream are already in sync, the accept is basically instantaneous.

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Benjamin Chodroff (8985231) | answered Dec 10 '09, 1:40 p.m.
Also, performance-wise, there's no reason not to use a build workspace. If the workspace and stream are already in sync, the accept is basically instantaneous.

All of what you guys have said is what I thought... just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing some use case for continuous integration off of a stream that would make building much faster than a workspace.

No clue why you would ever want to build off of a stream. No snapshots, no new change sets, difficulty in determining what is being built, and should take just as long (accepting change sets is typically pretty trivial). I'd remove that paragraph from the help :)

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