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Inconsistent nesting of Stories in Iteration Plans

Tom Seelbach (1847) | asked Jan 19 '09, 2:23 p.m.
In RTC 1.0.1, I have 2 iterations plans that show the same top level Stories (because they are "Epic" stories so some leaf level stories/tasks are in the current iteration, while the parent Stories are in a future iteration. When I look at the iteration plan for the future iteration, the nesting of Stories and tasks is correct, but in the current iteration plan some of the mid, and leaf level stories are not nested properly inside the top level Story. (They are listed outside of the Top-level Story). It looks like a bug to me... Any ideas?

2 answers

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Dirk Baeumer (4811) | answered Jan 20 '09, 5:28 a.m.

looks like a bug to me as well. Please open a bug report against Agile
Planning and provide steps to reproduce.

Dirk Bumer
Agile Planning Component

tsee wrote:
In RTC 1.0.1, I have 2 iterations plans that show the same top level
Stories (because they are "Epic" stories so some leaf level
stories/tasks are in the current iteration, while the parent Stories
are in a future iteration. When I look at the iteration plan for the
future iteration, the nesting of Stories and tasks is correct, but in
the current iteration plan some of the mid, and leaf level stories are
not nested properly inside the top level Story. (They are listed
outside of the Top-level Story). It looks like a bug to me... Any

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Tom Seelbach (1847) | answered Jan 21 '09, 12:32 a.m.
Defect opened:

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