DNG OSLC Query Capability

I am trying to use DNG OSLC Query capability to query the Requirement artifacts in a particular project area. I am following the article https://jazz.net/library/article/1197 by fetching the rootservices, catalog and then services.xml. But I am not able to see the query capability url in the services.xml response. I could see only the oslc_rm:SelectionDialog in the response. Please let me know how to get the query capability in DNG.
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Are you using the
I tried a GET on https://jazz.net/rm/rootservices and the response contained:
<oslc_rm:rmServiceProviders rdf:resource="https://jazz.net/rm/oslc_rm/catalog" />
A GET on https://jazz.net/rm/oslc_rm/catalog included details of service providers.
I did a GET on one of those service providers https://jazz.net/rm/oslc_rm/_CJqfENdREeKXUOJ6D0TyxQ/services.xml and the response included a query capability for requirements and requirement collections (shown below in Turtle):
oslc:queryCapability [ a oslc:QueryCapability ; oslc:queryBase <https://jazz.net/rm/views?oslc.query=true&projectURL=https%3A%2F%2Fjazz.net%2Frm%2Fprocess%2Fproject-areas%2F_CJqfENdREeKXUOJ6D0TyxQ> ; oslc:resourceType <http://open-services.net/ns/rm#Requirement> , <http://open-services.net/ns/rm#RequirementCollection>; dcterms:title "Query Capability"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string> ] ;