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How to get artifact URL from artifact ID in RM (DNG)

We are trying for some kind of java based tool to create a link between Test cases in QM and artifact in RM, and the input for this tool would be Test case ID and Requirement artifact ID (along with server details). So can anyone help us to get a source code for deriving the artifact URL from artifact ID., the artifact URL from the module context not from the artifact folder. Because we wanted to link the Test case to artifact inside module., not in the artifact folder.
Thank you in advance for your support.
2 answers

Hi Sunil,
If u want to get the Artifact URL from the artifact within the Module context.
Select the Module Artifact --> Share link to Artifact and you will get the URL.

Hi Sunil,
I am with IBM Expert Labs and have done this sort of thing for customers multiple times. While I can't give you the code without a contract, your code will need to do something similar to what is done on the screen where you bring up the base artifact and click on "Where used" to see the modules the base artifact is used in. The module artifact is a child of the module. The other way to go about this is to start with the module and look through the children for the artifact you want. So, either way, you will need to know the module id since the artifact can be in multiple modules. Information about the module API can be found at: https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/DNGModuleApiOverview