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API to get list of available DNG workflows for a project

I want to get the workflows available for a given project. I'm able to see the workflow URI set for an artifact type in its XML request as below,
<rm:hasWorkflowAttribute rdf:resource="https://server/rm/types/workflow/attrdef/_aU2uYAQMEeyeAcxn6FaqRw/StakeholderRequestWorkflow"/>
But how do we get the URI of the all the workflows available for a given project?
2 answers

Have you looked at https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Deployment/CLMProductAPILanding, especially https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/DraftTeamProcessRestApi?

I have explained how to get the workflow information for EWM here: https://rsjazz.wordpress.com/2022/02/02/ewm-work-item-oslc-cm-api/
I am pretty sure that DOORS Next provides similar information.
If you want to do stuff with APIs, you will have to be more inventive than just asking the forum to explain it to you. Very few users have worked with the APIs and even less have probably done what you want to do. So it would be a good idea to actually follow the links that are provided to you here. TLDR is not an option if you want to make progress.