API to get ID associated with a project area
2 answers
https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/DraftTeamProcessRestApi would be a good place to start. Although the info returned for project area(s) doesn't seem to explicitly have an id property, you could extract it from the leaf part of the URI.
Hi Anuraag,
You may perform a GET on the following OSLC API to get the project area title and UUID for all the ETM Projects.
Hope it helps!
Best Regards,
The concept of a project area is not defined by OSLC. So there is nothing in OSLC specifications that addresses project areas. The mapping of OSLC service providers to project areas is not defined by OSLC, but is a specific server implementation decisiion. Project areas are a concept of Jazz Foundation and applications built on it. There is a foundation process API that I linked to.
1 vote
Thanks David for clarifying..
@anuraag kb, GET on the following URL to provides the project areas and its corresponding UUIDs.
Hi Bharath,
Thanks for your response. Can the same information be retrieved using ETM integration libraries as well?
Hi Anuraag,
I assume you meant the ETM Integration Service API.
If yes..
a) GET on the following Integration Service API provides project areas feed with Alias and URLs.
b) Then, issue another GET request against the URL of specific project area retrieved from the response.
The response contains URL with project UUID.
Hope it helps!