Calaculation of Planned Start Date and Planned End Date
Hi All,
As I create a planned snapshot in a Plan that has the needed iteration.
The Planned start date and Planned End Date are visible on the workitemtype(Task) which is present in the Plan
Can anyone please tell me how the planned start date and planned end date is calculated?
Thanks in advance
One answer
I'm not 100% sure what you mean by the question, but the start and end dates in work items are calculated using several things and is really quite complicated:
- the constraint dates Start No Earlier Than and Finish No Later Than
- all the work items that are formally linked to the work item as a Predecessor
- the estimated duration of the work item
- the availability of the resource you allocate to the work item
- the working hours in the calendar
- the priority that resource assigns to the work item in the list of things they have been allocated
So for example, if the work item is estimated to take 48 hours and you have an 8 hour day with a 5 day working week, then that will be 6 days (48/8) + 2 days (2 days of weekend) = 8 days. Now if the resource you have allocated is only a 50% resource on the particular timeline, it will be 12 days (48/4) + 4-6 days of of weekends depending on when that work items actually starts (if they start on a Friday then you have 3 weekends) = 18 days on the calendar.
Now if that resource already has a lot of work items allocated and accepted, across all the timelines they are working in, this calculation is applied to each and every work item in the priority they have scheduled them, which will then give you the earliest date *they* can start work. If they have also entered some unavailable time in between the current date and the calculated start date (say some annual leave) then that will also be added.
But if the work item has one or more Predecessors, then the same calculation is done for all of those and their resources, and that may push the start date out even further.
Finally if the Start No Earlier Than constraint is set on the work item and that is later than the calculated value, it will be used as the start date