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DOJO Script for updating the Current Month Enum attribute when State Transitioned.

RTC User Prime (215) | asked Apr 09 '22, 12:20 p.m.

This is in continuation with my previous question for the same clarification. This is when the Status is manually changed from B to C. the Quarter and Year and automatically getting updated by the existing plugin. Updating the plugin is having an issue, so looking for a DOJO Script for updating the Current Month Enum attribute when State Transitioned which can be used as part of the "Attribute Customization" 

Status  A  →  B
Month : Default value from Enum 
Actual Value :"Jan"

Status  B  →  C
Month Check for the "Current Month" and update the appropriate Enum value
Expected Value "Apr"

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Apr 09 '22, 12:54 p.m.
As far as my experience goes, the Java Script Dojo API available does not allow calculated value sets to reliably detect a state change. This is likely the reason why a follow up action was used. So I would suggest to get that working.

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