Why am I not able to install Enhanched Class Decompiler Plugin from marketplace in EWM Eclipse 7.0.2 ?
5 answers
I do not see how anyone could help here, especially with the information given.
Thank you for you response but can you please guide me to use EWM Eclipse client version 7.0.2 and not able to open .classes in this one so please guide me on the same
Here the options I see:
- Provide more details about your environment, the Eclipse client version etc.
- Go to https://jazz.net/downloads/workflow-management/ select the version you want and check the all download tab. You can download an Eclipse client as IBM Installation manager or as zip file for different Eclipse versions. You can install EWM into an existing Eclipse using Installation Manager or a P2 install. I would try that. You can install the other stuff you want into it before or after the EWM client install. Note, I downloaded from https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/ for the newest 7.0.2 SR2 and have an issue connecting to the EWM server after I installed the P2 install. Try an older version.
1. Here is the product documentation (From Library menu on top): See
For the suggested P2 install see
In general see
2. Support contacts are accessible using the Menu SUPPORT on top of the Jazz.net page.
This blog might be of interest: https://rsjazz.wordpress.com/2022/09/13/workitem-command-line-and-rtc-ewm-extensions-workshop-for-7-0-2-sr1/ I had also issues to install the EWM client into an existing new Eclipse version.
Some suggestions can be found here: https://jazz.net/forum/questions/276841/rtc-eclipse-fail-when-creating-a-repository-connection-to-jazz-team-server I do not have a sufficient answer for myself.