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Why can't I connect using RTCPLAINJAVALIB?

I'm trying to access RTC using a third -party Workitem Command LINE, but some PC will get a connection error.
Do you know the cause?
wcl: 5.3.1
PlainJava: RTC-Client-plainJavaLib-6.0.6
TeamRepositoryException: Unable to log into repository!
CRJAZ0099E An HTTP error occurred when this URL was being accessed: /ccm/versionCompatibility?clientVersion=6.0.6. Error details: No negotiable cipher suite.
Accepted answer

The work item command line depends on a correctly set up client laptop and server. The error you are seeing is most likely related to how the clients are set up. You will have to find out what is different on the computers that show the error.

The environment is as same as possible,
However, the operating PC has installed ORACLEJAVA7 (JRE) in the past.
OpenJDK uses the ZIP version, but is the MSI version better?

the operating PC=That works as expected

I do not know what you try to tell me. The WCL does not care if the Java Installer is MSI or zip, it only requires a working, compatible JDK. You can use one that is shipped with the Eclipse client or Jazz Server, or any other JDK, provided it is working. Working might mean a current version, because in recent years numerous certificates were removed.

I'm sorry.
We did not unzip the JDK Zip correctly.
As a result, the cause was not enough.
It worked normally when expanded to the person in charge's PC again.

Good to hear you found it. Thanks!
One other answer

You may need to ask the supplier of that 3rd party command line tool.
The message No negotiable cipher suite looks like a standard SSL exception due to incorrectly confgured TLS.
For example, see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62022000/javax-net-ssl-sslhandshakeexception-no-negotiable-cipher-suite-fatal-error-80.