Getting RTC SCM data through JRS reports
HI Team,
Stream name, UUID, Component name UUID, baseline and snapshot etc.
Accepted answer
EWM SCM does not publish data about its components and configurations in its TRS. So JRS cannot report on them. You should be aware that goes end of service at the end of September 2022. I recommend you upgrade to 7.0.2 where EWM SCM can publish components and configurations in its TRS (they have to be explicitly added to the TRS), and having done so, JRS can then query and report on them.
***Update / Correction: The SCM TRS feed described above is actually only available in 7.0.3 and not 7.0.2.
This information is not available in JRS reports in 7.0.2. (I have updated the answer from David H above to indicate that it is 7.0.3 vs 7.0.2)
In the upcoming 7.0.3 release however, SCM Streams, SCM Snapshots, and SCM Baselines can manually be published to a new SCM TRS feed so that Files (and metadata on those files) within those configurations can be shown in JRS reports.
Also notice I said "manually publish", which also means that you cannot generate reports on 'any or all' SCM streams/snapshots/baselines by default, without first having the project admin navigate to UI to publish the configurations (or he can use the SCM command line). Selective publication was done for scalability reasons - to avoid potentially millions of different versions of all files being published to a single TRS feed [if it were to span all streams/snapshots/baselines])