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Need Planned For on Quality Task creation inline presentation

John Bacon (132) | asked Aug 05 '22, 4:23 p.m.
I need Planned For to be available to enter from the inline editor of a Quality Task. I have RQM (aka ETM) configured to use RTC (aka EWM, ccm) for quality tasks, and can't find the editor in either place for the inline presentation used for entering Quality Tasks. In RQM, I have only Task-Review, which obviously does not match. In RTC, I have a variety of presentations for Task, but none match the attributes presented when creating the Quality Task. No other presentations for other work item types match the attributes presented either.

Any help would be appreciated.

Accepted answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Aug 08 '22, 10:19 a.m.

 I think what you get, when creating a quality task, is not an inline editor, it is a (OSLC) creation dialog from EWM. I believe this dialog is not editable. You would have to use EWM to perform the planning.  When adding an existing item, you get the standard search dialog from EWM. You can see it is EWM, because the work item types are based on the types available in the associated EWM project area. 

So, as far as I can tell, you can not edit these dialogs.

John Bacon selected this answer as the correct answer

John Bacon commented Aug 08 '22, 12:46 p.m.
Thank you for your reply.

This is not the answer I was hoping for, but if editing this input dialog is not an option, then I will determine a workaround procedure to ensure Quality Tasks don't end up lost in no plans land. 

Ralph Schoon commented Aug 09 '22, 2:02 a.m.

You are aware that you can have EWM Query widgets on an ETM dashboard? You could try to query for work items that have a ETM link and are not planned for an iteration. 

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