Module Artifacts in module display order in Report Builder
I've created a Report Builder report containing the artifacts in my module but I don't see a way for them to be displayed in the same order they are displayed in the module. Is there a way to get the display order so they can be sorted? Something like the "rrm:bookOrder" value returned in the publish API?
I'm using version 7.0.2 with iFix014
Accepted answer
Short answer is you can't.
Artefacts can be used in multiple modules and can be in different places - you can even use the same artefacts multiple times within a module, so the module order is a property of the module itself and not the artefacts. This is why you won't find anything on the artefact in Report Builder.
Long answer is that you could select one module as the main order you want to see artefacts in, export a spreadsheet with the Section attribute (which is a calculated field for each module) and then import it back as a custom attribute. Then you will have a custom attibrute specific to that module's book order that you can use for sorting in your reports.
Even longer answer is that you can either use ELO Publishing to create a report - if you use the module as your entry point you'll have access to the book order and complete control over how you want to display things