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ETM : Manage Artifacts Template

Rajat Krishnan (721223) | asked Jun 06 '22, 2:23 a.m.

Is there any way to hide the template from list of Artifact Templates rather than deleting it under Manage Artifact Template Option?
as i can see only 3 option i.e
  • Copy Template
  • Set as default
  • Delete
Steps :
Go to ETM project Area -> Click on Settings button from top -> Manage Artifact Template -> Here you will list of template for all test Artifacts

Thank you

2 answers

permanent link
Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Jun 07 '22, 3:02 a.m.

 I do not see more options than you do, so this is likely not possible.

permanent link
Karen Steele (1.2k4139148) | answered Jun 07 '22, 6:28 a.m.
edited Jun 07 '22, 7:44 a.m.

if you delete the template in order to hide it, its also no longer available to use for your test assets.  There is only copy, set as default or delete - suggest you use the roles and permissions to determine who can do what where the templates are concerned, if your issue is people updating.

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